Chapter 19

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He wakes up at his house, with Toon on him, Pit hovering above him, Ike and Marth to the sides of the couch, all looking down at him. Dark Pit is sulking in the corner like a kid in time-out.

"GAH!!" Link falls off the couch.

"He's okay." Marth says, voice dripping with unhidden relief. Then, he looks angry. "You idiot!"

* * * * * * * * * *

"Let's go again! That's not fair!!" Link yells.

"Admit it! You lost fair and square!!" Marth shouts.

Within a week, they're fighting again, settling things with violent battles. Just like old times.

Dark Pit is on their side now, but he still hasn't changed his mind about Pit being annoying. He doesn't spend a lot of time around the group, but Pit would be able to find him even if he were on the other side of the world.

Everything is peaceful... for the most part. But, little do they know, their worst enemy and nightmare is still out there. Sweet dreams... ❤️

Shadowed Blade(SSB fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora