Chapter 7

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"I will get him." Link mutters, walking back to the living room. They find Ness and Toon playing Link's Xbox, Lucas watching.

"Oops." Toon says, putting down the remote. Ness grabs his pet Pikachu, and Toon hops onto a Kirby. There's another chase, and the boys retreat to Charizard again.

"Why don't we do an eight-player smash!" Ness calls down.

"You're a genius, Ness!!" Toon cries.

"Fine! It's my team against your team." Link agrees. Toon has Charizard land. The brothers shake hands.

* * * * * * * * * *

"Pikachu is playing with us." Toon says.

"Okay, but if we win, you have to say sorry and never do it again." Link says.

"If we win, we get to do it again if we want." Toon declares.

"Deal." They all shake shake hands.

"We each have one life." Ike says, pacing. "Don't want this to take forever."

"We're going to win." Toon hisses, face in Link's.

"You wish." He replies in a cold whisper.

"Go!" Ike yells.

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