Chapter 2

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"Oh, my mom's gonna kill me." Link breathes. He looks up at the broken window.

"Marth's gonna kill you." Ike says.

"You've got it in." Pit laughs.

Okay, let me backtrack a bit.

* * * * * * * * * *

Marth and Link fought like nothing else. They were practically blurs. In the end, it was a Sudden Death. They'd tied.

Marth slashed at Link, but he flipped backwards. He leaped over Marth. Marth's sword just missed him. Link shot an arrow at Marth, but missed.

Marth hit Link. He slammed backwards into a wall and fell before Marth. Marth approached him, but Link swung his sword as he got up.

Marth flew off of the battlefield, crashing into the window of Link's little brother, Toon. Game over.

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