Chapter Forty Two: Sorry its taken so long!

Start from the beginning

"I'll make sure of it," I tell him as I help Arrow stay on his feet.

Paul picks up Dig's lifeless body, he is holding back the tears that want to come. At this point we are all in shock of the events that have occurred.

Arrow waits till Paul is out of sight before he looks at me. "I'm sorry...for saying what I said. I'm just...I can't believe he is gone and its their fault. He didn't deserve to die like that," Arrow whispers.

"I'm just so sorry you had to watch him die...alone."

"How is Trigger going to take it? He will hate me for not being able to save him," Arrow says tearing up again.

"He will not blame you. Trigger is a good man, he will be upset just like us but he won't hate you or blame you. This wasn't your doing and Dig wanted to help," I say to him.

"Because everyone has to butt in don't they? If he hadn't come he wouldn't be dead," spoke a voice directly behind us.

I pull Arrow closer to me, I will protect him with every last ounce of strength I have. I won't let these crazy relatives of mine hurt him.

If looks could kill, I'm pretty sure both my aunt and uncle be dead right now.

Arrow's glaring at them, I can feel the anger behind it.

"He is dead because of you!" Arrow shouts. "If you hadn't took my husband and don't want to piss me off anymore then you have. Because trust me, I'm not nice when I'm angry!"

"Oh did we hit a hard spot. It seems our plan worked out better then hoped. You deserve to suffer you brat! Look at my husbands eye! That happened because you stuck your nose in. You are always sticking your nose into things that don't concern you. So if anyone is to blame for your stupid friends death it's you Arrow!"

I grab onto Arrow tightly as I felt him want to launch himself at them.

"Arrow calm down. They are just trying to irritate you more. Don't let them win here. They aren't worth getting angry over. They will be the ones to suffer and die alone. I hate you! Both of you! I would love nothing better to wipe those smiles off your face. I wish that had done more then take your eye! You deserve nothing but pain but we don't have the time for you right now. We are going to our sons and we are leaving! Try escape here without getting caught. Go on try it!" I shout this time.

I guess I'm more angry then I first thought...I'm just as pissed as Arrow is. They have caused so much pain. What gives them the right to do that?

I just don't think fighting them is going to help anyone and Arrow is already hurt. I can't let him risk his life anyone then he already has.

Arrow seemed to calm down slightly. He looks at me taking my hand.

"You are right. We have left our sons alone too long. We got to go," Arrow says as we try to head towards an exit without getting burnt by the fires that are left. Arrow starts to cough quite badly.

He has been taking in the smoke too long...this is bad.

"Arrow," I say panicking.

Yet Arrow suddenly grabs onto my arm and pulls me to the ground as a knife missed us by inches.

"We won't let you walk away so easily. We have nothing to lose here!" My aunt shouts.

"You fucking bitch. Don't you think you have done enough!" I shout.

I look to Arrow to check he is okay but he has tears falling down his face.

"I can't do this," he whispers.

"You don't have too!" I shout as I pick up the knife from the ground and get to my feet. "You have done it now. You want to carry this on. I won't hesitate to stop you if I have too!"

I hear a gun go off and for a moment I thought...this is it. Arrow and I are done for.

But Arrow is beside me taking the knife from me and dropping it to the floor. "No..." is all he says.

I watch as my aunt falls to the floor a bullet had gone straight through her heart.

I look at Arrow in shock. What just happened?

I watch my uncle standing there in shock unable to move.

"What are you doing here?" Arrow asks looking confused.

"I'm so sorry Arrow...but I'm sure Dig doesn't regret coming to help and don't ever blame yourself because of it."

Trigger appeared by our side and brought us both into a warm comforting embrace. "Let's go find your sons. That's what Dig would want," Trigger says.

As much as I didn't want to kill my aunt but she was out to hurt us and Trigger did what had to be done. He came to help finish what Dig had come to help with. I think Arrow and I will always be truely grateful to him for that.

Trigger has gave Arrow the strength to continue. He stood in between us as we slowly head towards the exit.

We won't be long kids...Sorry its taken so long!

Embrace Two (Spin of from Acceptance Trilogy And Second Story To Embrace) Where stories live. Discover now