chapter 26 ~ mad, sad, and bad

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A/N ~ This chapter will be told from three different POV's. I'll specify who's, and when it changes! Just want to make sure there's no confusion while reading. Enjoy! :)

MAD - William Afton's POV

So, Melissa L/N had a bounty placed on my head, along with everyone involved with me. How grand. I started to begin to wonder if I'd ever get to settle down, or if this was karma for my past. Sakura risking her life in an underground gambling ring, orchestrated by Melissa was the final straw.  The rage I felt building up inside, just thinking about it...dangerous.

Melissa had it out for me, and the worst part was the fact she knew just what buttons to push.
The way she treated Sakura. Calling her of all people in this world a slut? She'd been through enough of hearing that word. I would've killed that ex-boyfriend of hers had he not been from such a wealthy family.

The times Melissa called me a creep for looking out for Sakura, as well as being kind to her. I knew it was out of the ordinary for me, but there really was something different about her that I wanted to see thrive.We naturally became close, the constant hugs and random acts of affection from Sakura were just who she was. She did that with all of her friends, but had she done it more with me? I wasn't sure. However, Melissa calling me a pedophile of all things burnt me up the most. I didn't even see Sakura in a romantic way, so this idea that I was preying on her and her gravitation to me left a very bitter taste in my mouth.

Even if I did  want to pursue something with her, with the time setbacks, along with Vanessa's escape that evening, it wouldn't even be odd. I knew it wouldn't, yet Melissa's words still angered me. Hence why I say, she knows how to push the right buttons. Sakura was one person I'd promised myself to never bring any harm to intentionally, and she knew I promised that as well.

I felt my urges to kill return once again. My frustrations had been pent up for too long now. I couldn't control it anymore, I had to do it. There was no way for me to justify it, but at this rate I might stay like this forever if I don't just kill one more person.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a knock at the door. I recognized who it was based on how they knocked at the door. Two heavy knocks, followed by 3 lighter ones. It was none-other than the one person who seemingly always brought me out of my blood-lust. Sakura.

When I opened the door, I was greeted by the strong fragrance of cherries. In front of me she stood, dressed for what looked like some special occasion. She wore a white dress, with a black corset on her waist. Not like she needed it, it more-so just seemed like she wore it for it to go with the outfit. Pearl earrings on, her hands also having a few matching rings. Her soft pastel blue eyes, complimented her powder blue shoes. Her hair was let down, she must've dyed it entirely black. Everything came together beautifully.

"Ummm William? Can I come in or what?" She snapped her fingers in my face. "O-oh right sure, what brings you by?" I felt my face heat up. Dammit, I was staring a bit too long. "So did you just ignore what I told you silly?" She was talking to me at the door? Sometimes she was too captivating. I cleared my throat before speaking. "I'm sorry I had other things on my mind." I'd only realized in that moment how calm I was already.

"Oh...that's okay! What I said was I found a nice tea spot for us to head off to if you'd like? I just needed to come in because I'd left one of my rings here the night I stayed over after the casino thing." I could go for a nice cup of tea this morning, especially after the way I'd been feeling. "Sure, I'd enjoy that. May I ask the occasion?" I snickered. She knew I was talking about her outfit. "To go get tea with you silly." She furrowed her brow. "Is that a problem?" I stared off into space. All of that on, for tea? It was a bit much, but that was just Sakura.

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