chapter 22 ~ frustrations + solutions

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A/N!!!! ~ TW // Abuse.


"Y/N, get your ass in the kitchen right now!" My mother screamed at me. Wonderful, she was pissed off at yet something else. I wondered what is was this time. "Yes mom?" I did everything I could to mask any annoyance I was feeling. The last thing I wanted to do was add fuel to her fire. "I thought I told you to stop spending time with that killer, so why did I just get hung-up on by Henry after saying you two were hanging out? Is he hiding this from me?" Shit. I knew I wouldn't be able to hide at Henry's anymore.

"Mom, for the last time Michael is not a murderer! He didn't know about the springlocks so stop it. I can't take this anymore. You don't know him, you don't listen to anyone about what happened, and you don't even listen to Henry! He helped create the damn things." I yelled at her, trying to get in through her head. Before I could react, a fist came at my mouth. "I thought I told you to watch how you speak to me dear." She was smiling at me...damn maniac.

My hand flew up to my jaw, and tears came out of my eyes. My lip was bleeding. "You're crying while putting yourself in danger? I'm doing what's best for you!" She said sarcastically. "That's funny, because the only time I ever get fucking hurt is when I'm at home with you." I heard her gasp, as she walked up to me again and I took off running. I was so exhausted from all of this.

"Y/N you open this door right now, before I break it down." She was gritting her teeth while banging on the door. I sat and cried, knowing she'd get in. When she finally opened the door, she socked me right in the face and walked out. That's another black eye. "Now, remember this, and don't you ever speak to me like that again." I heard the front door slam open and her car took off.

For once I didn't feel depressed, I felt angry. I walked up to my wall and punched a hole in it. I started kicking things around my room in anger. I went into my closet and just started throwing everything out of it. For once I could take my anger out without someone telling me to stop. I took to my bean bag, and just started punching it. Over and over again relentlessly. Finally, I felt exhausted. My anger was out, and now all that was left were my emotions.

I decide to lay down on my bed, and just stare at the ceiling. I just didn't feel like existing, so I just let myself zone out. No thoughts in my head, just me and ceiling. I felt numb. I didn't know how much more of this I could put up with before I finally snap. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. I dreaded that it might be my mother, but I knew I had to open it either way.

When I opened the door, a wave of relief came over me. It was Henry. I ran into his arms and hugged him, and started crying on his shoulder. "Kiddo?" He was clearly worried. He must've known my mom would freak out since she found out he was the one still letting me see Michael.

I let go, and he saw my face. "Did your mother do this to you?" He asked, emotions running high in his voice. "Who else would've done it?" I didn't mean to sound like an asshole, but I just hated talking about this stuff. "Pack your stuff, I'm getting you out of here." It felt like a light was shining at the end of the tunnel. "Are you sure, I mean you have two ki-" Henry cut me off. "I'm 100 percent sure Y/N. You need to get out of this house. I'm getting you away from this woman who tries to call herself a mother." He said sternly.

I rant into my room, trying to pack as quickly as I could before my mother got home. Henry was helping, taking stuff out to his truck while I got it packed up. I heard a car pull into the driveway, and I thought I would throw up right in that moment. I heard the car door close, and my anxiety went through the roof. This was it. I wasn't getting out of here, or so I thought. I heard two familiar voices, and heard someone running into my room.

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