chapter 15 ~ liar

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A/N!!! ~ Upsetting themes.

The part in italics is inspired by the song "HANN (Alone In Winter) by (G)I-DLE! I suggest streaming the song on repeat while reading for atmosphere! 💜

I couldn't believe my eyes. "I-I can explain. Can we sit down and talk about this? Please?" Michael stuttered out. I didn't want to hear it. I felt like he might've had a good reason, but I just felt so...betrayed. Out of anyone I've ever known, I'd never felt so much love for someone before. To have that person to do this to you felt like 100 knives stabbing you all over your body. Over and over again. Relentlessly.

"I cried over you, to you. You said nothing. It's fucked up, Michael." I yelled at him. "I know it is, would you please just give me the chance to explain?" I had him here, and I really didn't want to lose him again. I caved and sat down on his bed. "Go ahead."

"Can I sit next to you?" He asked quietly. "Why not." I sighed. He'd better have a good explanation for this. He wrapped his arm around me and rested his head on my shoulder. I'm sure keeping this a secret from me took a toll on him emotionally just as much as it was on me by finding out he'd be lying.

"I did it to protect us. When I found you, I felt as if I found myself again. That day in the store felt like something straight out of a movie, but I couldn't tell you it was me due to me trying to investigate my father's work. I never got fired from Freddy's, I quit. I quit once you almost lost me again. If my father knew that we were back together, he'd find you. So to compromise, I kept my identity a secret." I felt his grip around me get tighter.

I pulled away. He even lied to me over something as trivial as how he left Fazbear's? It started all piling up. All of the things he's lied to me about to "protect" me. That could be a lie too for all I knew. I never would've thought that finding Michael Afton again would end up being a negative experience. I didn't see that coming.

"How do I know that's the truth this time Michael?" I questioned. I felt like he thought I was just going to give in easily since I knew it was him, but I still had dignity. I wouldn't just act like all of this was okay just because I love him. It wasn't okay.

"Now that things are calming down, I can tell you the full truth. I'm serious." Michael might as well had been on his knees begging, that's how desperate the tone of his voice sounded. I knew better than to be this easy again. I just felt myself getting more angry with him.

"Seriously Michael? After everything we've been through? Your brother, your sister, my brother, my father? My mother and your father? Did all of that mean nothing? Did all of that not make you realize this wasn't okay no matter the season?" I was yelling again.

"Of course that all brings us closer Y/N. You know that, but I didn't want one of us to lose each other again you need to understand. What part of that is so confusing to you?" He yelled back.

"You dated me as someone else, made me feel guilty knowing I'd break up with "him" if I ever found you again, only for him to be you. Do you know how fucked up that is? It makes my mind spin just trying to comprehend it Michael." I couldn't take it anymore.

So many thoughts were running through my mind. Even if it was to protect me, what happened when we didn't care. His love wasn't the same, that's what it feels like. Back in the day he wouldn't have given a fuck about what anyone thought because he trusted that we could take care of ourselves and each other. He'd changed for the worse.

I got up and just stared at him before making my way for the door. He chased after me pleading with me to stay, but I couldn't. I was so angry. I felt so betrayed. I got in my car and took off. I couldn't stop crying. It all hurt. I didn't think it would be like this.

I put on music to try to drown my thoughts, but every single song that came on reminded me of him. It was awful. All I could do was cry. I wished these were tears of joy more than anything else. I kept feeling myself getting more and more emotional, my vision was blurred.



You're all alone. There is no ending to this long cold season. The feeling inside is cold. He lied. There's not a single flower budding from back then. The resolve to never forget him wavers with each blow of the wind. As if the promise of his to never forget you, was a lie as well.

Not a single day went by without the two of you thinking of each other. You missed him for years, but today you resent him over one single mistake. Is it love? You trusted him in the coldest of days, but he causes a cool breeze and you look back on him. Did he turn his back on you?

La Lalalalala Lala. Is it your insecurity or is it your greed, hoping to wait on the spring time you once had together? The moon hung between the trees so brightly, it grew brighter each time you kissed. At this, the moonlight melts at your hearts breaking. Only tears fill it up anymore.

Not a single day went by without him thinking of you. He missed you for years, but today he thought it was all over due to a single mistake he had mistaken for the right thing to do. It is love. He trusted you in the coldest of days, but this breeze was no breeze for him. It was an avalanche as you look back on him. Did you turn your back on him?

La Lalalalala Lala. Is it his foolish hope that this would be okay, or was it his greed, hoping to bring back the spring time you once had together? The moon hung between the trees so dull, it's light grew fainter and fainter each time he cried. At this, the moonlight vanished, as his heart was breaking. Only tears filled his eyes anymore.

Would the winter remain forever? Was springtime gone?
Would things stay like this forever? Were you gone?

La Lalalalala Lala. Is it both of your foolish hopes that a life of hell would end, or was it that both of you were greedy bastards, hoping to have the spring time everyone else seemed to have together? The moon no longer hung in the trees. It's light gave out as it seemed like you were too. The fear of you vanishing like the moonlight, left a hole in his chest. Only bloodshot eyes and eye bags were what he had. He'd never feel the same anymore.

Was wanting the springtime really greed, or was it the only thing that could return the moon to the sky? La Lalalalala Lala.


"What the fuck happened?" I thought to myself.


A/N ~ Sorry but have some more angst because I love being emotional and dramatic hehe. I hope you enjoyed the scene of spring and winter, but what does it all mean? Don't worry you'll find out soon enough! I hope you're all enjoying. Sorry for making your hearts happy only to stab them over and over again, thought, it's quite fun! Even if I do it to myself in the process.

coldblood || Michael Afton X ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz