chapter 16 ~ broken bonds

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I woke up in the hospital. I guess driving while furious and crying isn't the best idea in the world. I felt my body in pain. It wasn't enough how I was feeling mentally, now everything hurt. "Oh thank God you're awake kiddo!" Henry! I was so happy, but he was so thankful I was up. Was it really that bad? "How long have I been out for?" I knew for Henry to be here, I'd have to have been out for a while.

"One week. It felt like Deja Vu." He sighed. That thought made me sick to my stomach. I honestly felt happy to be alive, I'd hate for Henry, Michael and even William to go through that again. "Is she finally up? Oh my God you guys she's awake!" I heard Jennie call. I heard a set of footsteps come down the hall.

In came Jennie, Jeremy and Masaki, with another familiar face behind them. "Sakura?! " I nearly yelled. I hadn't seen her in years. She's always been so busy, and the only times I ever hear from her are around Holiday's. She was my height, but we were different in so many ways. She had black hair like mine as well, but with pink streaks in hers. Her face was more friendly than mine as well, and overall she was just a more friendly and sweet person. You could tell by my face I was a bit rough around the edges, but Sakura has a very sweet, approachable face.

She's extremely expressive, in fact her facial expressions usually give away what she's thinking 99 percent of the time. I know her well thought, and people should never let that sweet expression fool them. She can be a bit crazy at times for lack of a better word.

"Y/N what happeneddddd." She drug out the word. Concern was written all over her face. I haven't even gotten to see myself yet, I'm starting to worry what happened to me. "Typical overly emotion Y/N stuff! You know how I am sometimes." I awkwardly giggled. I wanted to go back to sleep, but I knew that wasn't a good idea.

"Y/N we were so worried about you! Don't scare us like this again, alright?" Jeremy had a calming smile on his face. "You had Masaki crying the whole way here." I turned and looked at Masaki hugging Jennie and crying before yelling, "I was not! You just had dust in your car!" Right before he cried again. "We're so glad you're okay you bitch I haven't stopped crying!" Jennie chuckled out.

I heard another set of footsteps approaching the door, louder ones. "Ah joy! You're finally awake." I heard that deep booming British accent. Mr.Afton had come to visit me. I was still trying to get used to him not  trying to murder me. I noticed Sakura start to shift to the back of the room. I'd forgotten all about catching her up on things.

"William was the one who let everyone know you were in the hospital kiddo. I'm glad to see my old pal here is getting back to his old self." Henry pat the taller man on the bag, flashing him a big smile. William brought me over flowers and a get well soon card. Almost everything was feeling normal. Almost  everything.

"Where's Michael?" I felt extremely concerned. If he knew, I bet he'd be blaming this all on himself. The emotions I had felt were his fault, but the wreck was entirely mine and I knew that. Had I not stormed off and controlled myself, I wouldn't be in this hospital bed right now.

"He's beating himself up over this at home, where else do you think he'd be. He already told us everything. The fact he's Afton, the reason why he lied and what happened when you left. It took every ounce of self-control I had not to find a baseball bat and make a home-run out of the back of his stupid brainless head." Jennie rolled her eyes.

I noticed Jennie had a bandage on her leg. "What happened there?" I asked pointing at the wound. "Oh that fucking cunt Vanessa. I was trying to find a gift for you and ran into her and she followed me out of the store and took her ass to my car. She tried to swing at me but I beat her ass in the parking lot. The only reason I have this on my leg was me scraping my leg on the pavement." She sighed.

"Wait what?" Sakura's eyes went wide. "Vanessa still tries to fight you two over the nose incident?" She giggled. "I understand being shoved into a brick wall isn't the best sensation your nose can receive, but she made fun of Y/N's brother dying for like...what?" She rolled her eyes now too at Vanessa's ridiculous behaviors.

"She also tried to tell everyone that Mr.Afton did it...." She pouted and grumbled her words out. "Sakura? It's been ages!" William exclaimed, and as usual Sakura lit up. She always admired William's skills in robotics, and always hoped to one day be his successor. That's at least what she told people.

"You look younger than I remember! No offense..." Sakura said, while William snickered. "You'd be right. I aged down a lot thanks to that purple anomaly. I'm back to being 32 years old. I never thought I'd miss my 30s more than my 20s." His laughter was contagious and the whole room was laughing. Only Michael's laughter was missing. Maybe I was the one who messed up and failed to understand him.

"Don't miss them too much! I'm 22. We missed each other by 10 years Mr.Afton." She stuck her tongue out at him. It felt like the world had given all of us, this entire group, the chance to fix things with each other. Even if the entire world was changed by this, all we focused on was our own world.

The doctor entered the room, informing everyone but Henry that they needed to leave for the moment. He went over everything that happened with me, and how lucky I was to only have hit my head. Still not a good thing, especially being out cold for a week, but it was more lucky than what most people experience in wrecks like I had.

While this was going on, everyone was debating outside of the room if they should inform Michael that I had woken up or not. They all knew how guilty he felt, and knowing that I was up would hopefully lift his spirits. William had made the decision to call him and make sure he brought himself up here to apologize.

Hours had passed, and my friends had gone home, but William and Henry stuck around. Eventually I heard footsteps approach my room, and the door creaked open. A comforting voice called my name, but it was a voice I was still mad at. Michael had finally come to visit. The guilt was written all over his face. His eyes were puffy. It look like he'd been in a car wreck as well, but those were his emotions.

He made his way over to the bed, and held my hand, rubbing his thumb back and forth on the back of my hand. He sat and stared at me, and I saw the tears form in his eyes. They started to fall from his face, before a very quiet "I'm sorry" left his lips. I wondered if my friends had been giving him shit over this, or if his current state was truly because of his own detrimental thinking.

Ever since the death of his brother, he'd blame himself for things all the time. This case was no different, but the factor of me being out for a week had to play into that Deja Vu Henry was talking about. I ran my hand through Michael's hair. I knew exactly what he had been thinking, that he'd driven me crazy. That my blood would be on his hands. I kept trying to calm him down, but would everything really heal this quickly?


A/N ~ New character time! I'm so excited for you all to get to know Sakura! Besides that I'm sorry (not really) for more angst. At least things are somewhat fixing themselves, but there's still so many unanswered questions. Who knows how well things will stay put together before everything is said and done. I hope you're all enjoying!

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