Chapter 23 ~ you don't know me

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I woke up that morning, with my nerves already setting in. I didn't want to have to face that woman today, but for Michael's sake and his father's I knew I had to. I had no idea what she was up to, and honestly I couldn't give a fuck. I just wanted to get this figured out for him, so he could get his money and we could be over all of this. It was time for each and everyone one of us to move on from this franchise that burdened all of us in one way or another.

"We don't have to do this Y/N, you know that right?" Michael placed his hand on my shoulder gently, staring into my eyes. I gave him a quick kiss, before walking to the door. "How else do we move past this?" I asked while heading towards the car. We arrived at William's house, and honked the horn. In seconds he was out of the door, getting into the backseat. "We need to go pick up Sakura, she wants to tag along." Those two were both deep in this company, but I was still surprised she'd be going.

The drive to Sakura's would be about 30 minutes. William broke the silence that filled the car. "Are you nervous?" The look on my face should've been enough to tell him I was. "You know how she was to me all my life, why wouldn't I be?" He sighed. He knew that question was stupid. I decided to ask a question of my own. "Why do you think my mother killed Elizabeth?" I knew it was a sore subject to bring up, especially out of nowhere, but I do think I deserved to know why.

"Nobody knew where she was the day Elizabeth went missing. Almost everyone else you saw in that binder had some sort of alibi except for her. She has nobody to back up where she was that day except for herself." He leaned back in his seat and stared out of the window as he pulled up to Sakura's house. "When she gets in the vehicle, no more talk about this." He sternly said. "Yes sir." I said sarcastically. Why didn't he want her to hear about this?

Sakura had her hair in two pigtails, a purple sweater, a pair of purple jeans and purple converse. "Hello everyone!" She exclaimed. "I thought pink was your favorite color?" I teased. She just shrugged and got into the car. The way to my mom's house was another 4 hour drive. The whole way there was filled with that faint sound of music, and a soft snore coming from the backseat. Sakura had fallen asleep with her head rested against William's shoulder. Michael and I both gave each other a look, basically telling each other, "He's letting that happen?"

Michael held my hand the whole way there, his way of telling me he had my back silently. I knew everything would be just fine since he was here. I tried my best to calm down. We were only 10 minutes away now. It was almost time to face her again. "Wake up sleepyhead." William shook Sakura awake. "5 more minutes please Willyyyyyyyy" She tried to snooze again. "Willy?" That slipped out of my mouth, oops. Michael started laughing at the nickname. William was not amused. "Sakura...I told you not to call me that." He scolded her. She quickly shot up and moved away from him. He pissed her off with that.

I peaked in the rear-view mirror at the too, as he mouthed "I'm sorry," to Sakura. Her expression somewhat lightened up, as we pulled into my mother's driveway. Here we go. I took a deep breath, as we got out of the car and walked up to the door. William stood in front of all of us, and left a hard knock on the door. I was gripping onto Michael's hand.

The door slowly creaked open. There she was, and the look on her face told us she was not happy to see us. "Afton." She said bitterly. "Melissa." He responded the same. "Why don't you call me by my last name?" She smirked. "Because I don't despise everyone in your family the way you do mine." He stood up for me. "Oh my daughter is here to see me? How sweet!" How sweet my ass. "And who might this be?" She turned and looked at Sakura. "That girl you always preyed on? Now that your wife is gone, your children are older or dead, and you're younger you can finally get what you want without looking like a cheater, right Afton?"

Sakura snapped in that very second my mom accused William of such a thing. She went to swing at her, but William caught her arm before impact. "Sakura, this is what she wants. Now, let's proceed to my question. Did you burn Fazbear's?" He was one to get straight to the point, no bullshit. "And if I did? What can you do to possibly prove that?" However, my mother loved bullshitting, and it pissed William off.

Sakura spoke up yet again. "How about this match that you left at the scene? It clearly could have finger prints on it!" She laughed in my mothers face. Possibly the only person bold enough to do such a thing. She shoved Sakura to the ground, and I could tell William was using every ounce of self-control in his body not to murder my mother right there.

My mom made her way over to me, and grabbed my arm and tried forcing my hand out of Michael's. I gripped as tight as I could, and so did he. She was unsuccessful. She turned and stared Michael down. "Let go of my daughter, brother killer." The words rolled off her tongue like venom. After all this time, Michael finally got his chance.

"I didn't kill my brother." He spoke up, but my mother wanted him angry. "I couldn't hear you murderer! What was that?" I gripped his hand tighter. If he got mad, he'd give in. He couldn't. "I said I didn't kill my brother. It was an accident, and you know that. I know you do. You just hate your daughter. Isn't that right, child abuser?" His voice didn't shake at all.

It was kinda hot...."Snap out of it! Now is not the time." I thought to myself

"Well, I wouldn't be that if my daughter Y/N here wasn't such a disappointment!" I knew it shouldn't, but that still hurt me. She's my mom. "You never even gave her the time of day. You don't know her, and you damn sure don't fucking know me." My mother flicked Michael's nose, causing him to flinch. "I'm glad I don't know either of you two. Vanessa is the perfect daughter anyways."

My jaw hit the ground. "She's my sister?" I felt those words slip out of my mouth. "Why else do you think your father left me honey? I didn't go on a business trip!" She chuckled. That evil bitch....

Before anyone could act, Sakura dashed into my mother's house. She began rummaging through out the home, looking for a box of matches or a black hat. My mother tried going inside after her, but William grabbed her before she got the chance. "Not so fast Melissa." He said smugly. She was struggling to get away, Michael and I ran up and helped William hold her down.

"We know you threw that gum wrapper at her face the other night. You can't out sneak me, you fool." He continued to taunt my mother. "I believe your little note said 'You're next, slut.' Right? Who exactly is next? You're a fool if you think you can bring any harm to Sakura." My mother began to laugh. I was starting to get worried. "Vanessa!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.


It was a gunshot.


A/N ~ What a twiiiiist. Hehe. I love writing these action style scenes.

I hope you're all enjoying!!

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