Ch. 9 T.M.I

816 18 11

 Bold means cybertronian 

3rd P.O.V 

A monster truck is seen jumping over a ramp and landing on the ground which then proceeds to do a sharp u-turn and drive over a bunch of cars squishing them in the process

Miko: "Hoo-Ya!"

Bulkhead: "Oh!" Miko and Bulkhead were watching a monster truck rally together on the tv

Miko: "Munched!" Bulkhead puts his servo over his faceplates hiding his face.

Male announcer: "Give it up for the baddest machines on the planet!" Ratchet working on the computer starts to become more irritated

Ratchet: "Would you mind lowering the volume?"

Bulkhead: "Hey Ratch, check out this monster truck rally Miko took me to last week."

MIko: "I compiled some highlights with my cellphone."

Ratchet: "Innocent vehicles battling for the pleasure of human spectators?" Ratchet shudders and groans "Blood sport" He walks back to the computer

Miko/Bulkhead: "Yeah!"

Ratchet: "You could be helping Optimus in the field right now."

Bulkhead: "Aw, he doesn't need my help to search for some ancient educational thingamabob." Ratchet shakes his head in disappointment. 

Ratchet: "The 'thingamabob' to which you refer to happens to be a cybertronian data cylinder." Ratchet changed the recordings of the monster truck rally to show pictures of the data cylinder.

Miko: "Hey!" 

Bulkhead: "Aw!"

Ratchet: "There is no telling what vast intelligence it may hold. During the golden age, dozens of these cylinders were created, each containing the sum total of cybertronian knowledge on any given subject." Miko yawns in boredom "Stellar cartography, medicine, ancient mythology, when the war broke out, the cylinders were hidden throughout the galaxies to keep them far as possible from decepticon reach. Detecting one here, on Earth, is the opportunity of a--"

Miko Groans in frustration: "T.M.I dude"

Bulkhead: "Switch it back! I wanna see the hoedown showdown!" Beeping could be heard 

Optimus: "Ratchet, decepticon ambush the cylinder is at risk. We require backup!." Miko looked at Bulkhead in excitement 

Bulkhead: "Backup is what I'm built for" he stands up and pounds is fist into his other servo. He started sprinting into the groundbridge.

Miko: "Go bend some fenders Bulk" Bulk ran through the portal and Ratchet made his way to Miko

Ratchet: "I have an important mission for you too Miko" Miko looked up in exitement

Miko: "Really?" Ratchet handed her a mop and she groaned in frustration. Ratchet walks away and she gets an idea. She reopens the groundbridge and runs through.

1st pov

I was fighting a bunch of cons using my sword to slice them into pieces I saw a ground bridge open and Bulkhead ran through and started punching cons

y/n: "Thanks for the backup Bulk!" 

Bulkhead: "Backup's what i'm built for!" he starts punching more cons and knocks one over. From behind the con I see something small run past and realize that its Miko, I punch a con that was sneaking up on me and make my way over to Miko

Miko: "Whoa"

y/n: "And what pray tell are you doing here?!" Miko jumps and turns around to look at me. I crossed my arms and stare at her "Well?"

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