Ch. 8 Partners

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 I dont own anything

3rd pov

The Nemesis is seen flying through the sky. Inside Starscream is staring at Soundwaves visor talking to him

Starscream: "I have been a fool, made mistakes... monumental ones. I now realize that I was never destined to be a leader, or even an equal partner." Starscream turns away from Soundwave "And I am at peace with that. I have gained a clear understanding of my place in this universe of who I am, of who I was always meant to be--" Starscream turns around and looks at Soundwave again "Starscream, second in command, humble servant to Lord Megatron. Thank you for listening Soundwave." Starscream turns and walks away, walking through a door onto the main deck and pauses midstep.

Megatron: "Is this true?"

Arachnid: "Starscream never mentioned it."

Megatron: "If he's up to his old tricks, I shall grind him into powder." Starscream clears his throat to gain the attention of Megatron and Arachnid. Megatron turns his helm to Starscream looking very unpleased

Megatron: "Starscream" Starscream starts to make his way to Megatron placing his servo over his spark

Sarscream: "Lord Megatron, please excuse Arachnid's impertinence" He places his servos together in a scheming way "Now what was it that I allegedly failed to mention to mention?"

Megatron: "The Harbinger" Starscream gasps in surprise

Starscream: "What about it?"

Arachnid: "Eons ago, a decepticon transport crash landed on this planet" Arachnid pulled up the schematics of the Harbinger

Starscream: "Oh please common knowledge. I scouted the crash site when we first arrived on Earth.

Arachnid: "Then I presume you recovered the experimental weapon prototype the Harbinger had been transporting?" Starscream takes another gasp in surpise

Megatron: "Where is the crash site?"

Arachnid: "It was never logged in your ship's database" thus making Megatron even more pissed

Megatron: "You failed to record the coordinates of a decepticon transport?!"

Starscream: "An oversight master, but I know the exact location." 

Megatron: "Then you can lead Arachnid there so she may retrieve the prototype for me." Arachnid not enjoying the idea sarcastically replies

Arachnid: "My personal native guid... how delightful." Seeing that Starscream can't weasel his way out she starts to shake in rage.

3rd Pov, Autobot base

Arcee is standing on top of the base looking out into the horizon, she turns to the shrine built for Cliffjumper and starts talking,

Arcee: "Hey partner, heck of a view you have out here. If there is even a small chance your spark is out there listening, well we could really use you Cliff. Seems like every day another decepticon arrives on the scene we're outnumbered and outgunned. Yeah, i know what you'd say, 'Sounds like a fair fight'" Arcee scoffs and looks down sadly "If thats the world we live in, so be it. I just want you to know... I haven't given up." Arcee turns around from Cliff's grave and glares "I'm gonna find the con who took you from us." 

1st pov 

I walked into the elevator I'v been looking all over the base for Arcee, and I need a break from the sparklings they started to talk and now they wont stop talking and I think my audio receptors are going to fall off. I don't know why, but Arcee and I seem to understand each other a lot more than the others, I don't know why maybe because we're the only femmes on the team. Who knows. The elevator doors open and I see Arcee looking out into the distance. I knock my servo against the elevator door to let her know that I'm here. She turns around and looks at me

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