Ch. 7 Rock Bottom

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(I own nothing!)

Before we start I got a question do you want shorter chapters which would probably be half an episode, and i'd update more or longer chapters like i'v been doing and update less often? 

1st pov

I was hanging outside of the cave that we were investigating keeping and optic out to make sure the human kids didn't do anything as I was looking around Miko started to complain.

Miko: "We're supposed to be at a rock concert, but all I see is rock" Jack yawns before reassuring her

Jack: "Relax, Miko. The show doesn't start for two hours." Jack rests his head to go back to relaxing before Miko started shouting again. 

Miko: "Do you know how long I've waited to see Slash Monkey?" Miko waves her hands around

Jack: "Uh..."

Miko: "Forever! And it's their only U.S. date." 

Jack: "There's a shock. I mean who doesn't love obscure Bulgarian shriek metal?"

y/n: "If it's their only U.S. date can't you just use the ground bridge for a difference concert?" Before Miko could respond Bulkhead and Arcee walked out from the cave. The beeping of the energon detector going off could be heard.

Arcee: "By all appearances the mine's been stripped."

Bulkhead: "But I'm getting a signal, it's feint, but it's definitely energon." Miko looked at Jack in excitement.

Miko: "Whoa!" Jack didn't look to thrilled though. 

Arcee: "That doesn't make sense. This operation has been abandoned four, maybe five years and decepticons never leave energon behind."

y/n: "To be fair since when have the decepticons ever made any sense?"

Jack: "Uh, guys?" we looked over to where Jack was sitting. While looking like he was done with everything He pointed into the cave where we could see Miko running into the cave spreading her arms out while she ran.

Miko: "Cool!" 

Arcee: "She went in. Unbelievable." 

Jack: "Really? Have you... met her?" 

y/n: "Is it weird that I knew this would happen?" Bulkhead sighs before running in after Miko

Bulkhead: "Miko, get back here!" Arcee and I walked up to Jack 

Jack: "It would be kind of interesting to see. You know, if it were-" Arcee interrupts Jack

Arcee: "Safe? A stripped mine can be structurally unstable, Jack" 

Jack: "I promise to step lightly" Arcee looked up to the sky then at me

Arcee: "Just don't tell your mom, y/n guard the entrance." I nodded my helm

y/n: "Right" I watch Arcee and Jack walk into the mine. A couple of minutes had gone buy when I heard the sound of jet engines above taking a closer look I see the Desepticon insignia on both of the air crafts. Without a lot of places to hid I only had one choice which was to use my stealth mode. By doing so I basically become invisible, thought it doesn't help if people touch me. Just in time because Megatron and the stiletto heeled Dorito landed right in front of me. They turn around to face the entrance of the mine luckily I don't think they saw me.

Starscream: "Uh, Lord Megatron far be it from me to question your intentions, but I do not understand, why we've returned here after all this time... alone" Megatron threw a glare at Starscream and started walking to the entrance of the mine. I slowly walked to the side making sure i didn't make any noise or moving anything, as I took a step back a bit of rubble slid down from where I put my servo, scrap! Megatron turned his helm and looked in my direction he walked up to where I was standing and glared at where I was, he stuck his servo out to touch me luckily I ducked in time and all he touched was air. That was too close. Megatron then went back to entrance of the mine while Starscream jogged up to him, looking a bit panicked

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