London: Breaking Point

Start from the beginning

Jungkook... was just frustrated at this point. Not with Minhee, but with everything. Was he taking his anger out on her? 


Minhee stared at him for a solid ten seconds in astonishment. She was in utter shock to hear what he was saying. Her long eyelashes fluttered, blinking rapidly. 

'What is wrong with these boys lately?'

First Taehyung yesterday and now Jungkook?

When did she all of a sudden become the bad guy?

"Me?!? Selfish?!?" She screeched as Jin and Yoongi's froze

The babies are fighting-

Danger danger-

This... was almost too much for her. Minhee out of all people was probably the farthest thing from selfish. What? Caring too much was now a bad thing?

"Jungkook, you got to be kidding me-"  She whispered in disbelief with heartbreak in her eyes

'Did he even listen to anything I just said?'

This crushed her soul in more ways than one.

The youngest was never one for conflict, she absolutely hated when the boys fought over petty things. But she couldn't even deal with this conversation right now. Just looking at Jungkook made her blood boil.

To frazzled, she needed to get out of there. As soon as she walked out of the room, all the boys sat in awkward silence.

"That was..."

J-Hope let out a deep breath.

"uncalled for..."


The seven remaining bts members sat around until their leader decided to speak up. 

"Jungkook..." Namjoon sighed running his fingers through his hair 

"You know though, she's got a point-"

The six of them locked their eyes on the leader as Jungkook outbursted his opinion.

"But who knows when we will see UK armies again!!!" He retaliated with a shout until relaxing


"I didn't want to let them down..." The maknae's doe brown eyes locked onto the ground

"I know-" Jimin put an arm around his shoulder

"But with the complicated choreography that we do, and your injury so fresh... there could've been a number of issues-" Jin jumped in

"First of all, how can you perform at the best of your abilities, when you're not even at your best-" Jimin spoke softly

"I understand that you want to perform and don't want to disappoint anybody-" Namjoon continued

"Of course we know how that feels-"

"But if your injury did worsen, it could've disappointed even more in the long run-"

"Did you take that into consideration?" 

"Or did you just miss performing that bad?"

Hearing those words from Namjoon himself, left Jungkook silent on the couch caught up in his own thoughts.

"Watching you perform Euphoria was absolutely amazing and we all had smiles watching you, but we were holding our breaths at the same time-" J-Hope scratched the back of his head

"And for you to jump in on, So What and Fire-"

"We kinda lost our focus, too concerned for your well being-" Taehyung let out a light airy laugh before leaning forward and grabbing the cup ramyeon off the coffee table

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