Scary Times in South America

Start from the beginning

"Jiminahhhhh!!!" The two lightly wrestled as their makeup artists and hairstylists watched them along the sidelines not knowing what to do

Minhee and Jimin... even when they were fighting or play fighting, those two just evoked a certain cuteness. No way did they want to intervene between the park siblings.

"S-Stopppp-" She lightly chuckled at his antics 

She wanted to get past her elder to see what's up, but jeez.

He was so fast. 

Trying to trick each other, both Minhee and Jimin zigzagged. Left, right, up and down-

"Oh, you want to play games?" The girl stopped sassily putting a hand on her hip

"Bring it on Park Minhee-ah!!" He taunted clapping his hands together widening his stance as if he was ready for anything

But was he really ready for this...

Minhee stopped and stared down the enemy in front of her contemplating her next move.

Well, what else does she have left to lose?

Flickering her doe brown eyes up to Jimin, they locked. The look she was portraying, wasn't her usual cute and cuddly Park Minhee...

This was Minhee of BTS. On stage.

Confident, sensual, and flirty. Flipping her long blonde high ponytail to the side, she walked slowly towards him not breaking eye contact. Which quite frankly started to make the boy sweat.

I mean-

He is a guy after all.

But this was Jimin's game. He had no thoughts of losing.

So he took a step closer. 

and so did she.

The two were almost nose to nose making all their makeup artists and hairstylists jaws drop before Minhee stomped on his foot with her platinum formed boot.

Classic Minhee. 

"ARGHHH MINHEE-AHH!!" He screamed watching the girl quickly run past him as if her life depended on it.

Her pissing off Jimin was the worst thing she could do, but-

It had to be done.

Her outfit consisted of a black embroidered corset top that went into a red high waisted skirt with fish net stockings ready to hit the stage for 'Fire'. 

Together it looked like a dress, but was a two piece. 

Running without looking where she was going, she collided into a body and slide on the floor landing on her side rather harshly.

Groaning out in slight pain, she winced touching her abdomen; Minhee took this moment to take in her surroundings. Alas, all eyes were now on her.  

Extra eyes...

Why were there so many people back here?


Cranking her head to the left, she looked up noticing their stage manager offering her a hand. He had his head set on, clip board in his left arm, seemingly a bit frazzled?

Accepting it, full of embarrassment, Minhee pulled herself up.

"Yah!! Minhee-ah are you okay???" 

Another shout was heard from across the way analyzing the girl head to toe. That was quite a fall, he watched her slip. Thank god she didn't hit her head.

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