・BV2 Ep. 4 Helicopter

Start from the beginning

The eight of them sprung with excitement.  It's going to be very eventful for them tomorrow.

"Tonight so you can continue relaxing were going to have you all cook Hawaiian inspired dishes for each other-"

"That'll be fun-" Minhee smiled from the couch

Once picking their dishes and deciding on who will cook for who, the members were off.

The first ones to cook were Suga, V and Jungkook. 

"Who's next?"

"Me, Minhee and J-Hope?" Namjoon turned as Jimin began to laugh

"No way are we leaving you and Minhee in a kitchen together-" He pointed

"Yah!! You two always break something!!" Jin went on causing Minhee to dramatically gasp 

"Okay, okay saving the best for last I see-" Minhee leaned back as it was time for the next group to start cooking

Oh how lucky she was to have J-Hope make something for her. And it was perfect because she wanted to try the Acai bowl.

Lastly the two remaining went head to head.

Minhee vs Jin.

"Yah Minhee-ah, I'm not taking it easy on you just because you're the youngest-" The boy taunted getting up, heading to the kitchen as the rest of the boys made dramatic sound effects

"Well I'm not taking it easy on you either... just because your the oldest-" She shot back 


"Yah, I don't have much experience as Seokjinnie-ah has-" Minhee looked towards the camera gathering her ingredients 

"But I'll try to make something yummy for my oppa-" She picked up a knife preparing to cut as a smile formed on Yoongi's face

Minhee was creating a dish for Suga as Jin was for Namjoon. 

-20 minutes later- 

She placed the perfectly plated Acai Bowl down on the table.

"It's a bit sweet, but it's good-"

"But you like it?"

"It's good-" He repeated not trying to hurt the girls feelings

"I should've thought to make something Yoongi-ah likes more-" She muttered under her breath causing Jungkook to laugh

Next it was time for Jin to show off his master piece.

"For Kim Namjoon-ssi-" He dramatically placed the plate in front of the leader

If this was a cartoon, the dish would have sparkles floating all around it with how pretty it was.

10/10 from Namjoon.

Kim Seokjin wins.


Who was going to clean up the mess they all made?

They pulled up the randomizer app on Jungkook's phone they've been using the past several days.

"Ladies first," Jin motioned Minhee up to the phone

"Okay, okay-" She tapped the screen quickly not really caring if she had to help clean up



"yay~~" The girl leaned, sinking happily into the couch

Watching the rest of the Bangtannies reactions was what Minhee lived for. The seven of them... really made her day...


"I'm going to choose this one-"

And with one click, Jungkook's life flashed before his eyes. 

"He just couldn't catch a break-"


Passing the phone over he went to the kitchen sink shaking his head.

Jungkook's bad luck streak in Hawaii continues-

Feeling bad, Minhee got up from her position on the couch.

"Jungkookie do you want me to help you?" Minhee walked into the kitchen picking up some dirty dishes bringing them over

"YAH TAEHYUNG-" Jin shouted 

The boy was supposed to help Jungkook clean, but apparently found that this moment in time, what is the right time for him to do his nighttime skin routine. 


"I got this new cleanser I wanted to try-" He lifted the bottle

Jimin smiled at the boy in disbelief.

"You need to wash your face now?"

"You made Minhee start cleaning because of you-" J-Hope spoke as the camera panned to Minhee and Jungkook in the kitchen

Feeling a slight bit of guilt, the boy came back into the kitchen and ended up helping the maknaes. 

"Okay guys, everyone have a good night sleep-"

"Goodnight Namjoon-" Minhee smiled 

"See ya in the morning-"

"Good night-"



A/N: Sorry if this chapter is a bit... rough, I was having some writers block with it because not much really happens in the episode... but I hope you still enjoyed it either way :)

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