Chapter XLI

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         "So who is packing leaves today?" Jade laughed as we approached the apian way tree we'd been made to clear each and every day due to Mrs. Ade's punishment. Afternoon prep had become my most feared time of the day because Sister Geraldine ensured that we kept to our end of the punishments every freaking day.

         "Oghale,I packed yesterday"Jade whined as we picked up the rakes which we always left beneath the tree. I'd thought we'd been lucky with our punishment,there could be nothing easier that raking up a few leaves,putting them in a bag and emptying them out in the bin. But then,I was beginning to realise that this oak tree covered quite a large circumference of space.

          Not only that,the tree shed its leaves so rapidly that we could barely clean it up without  a new set of fallen leaves littering our good work. And by the next day,the leaves would be littered like they were weren't cleared on the previous. The work was simply hectic.

        The boys had been tasked with mowing the lawns and cleaning the roofs of each building. Mrs. Ade found it the perfect punishment,since they'd been so mad about their football being seized. I on the other hand,found it rather gruesome and ghastly. The one time Daryl,Temi, Yomi,Sele and a few other boys had been made to wash the roof of their hostel,they'd almost passed out subsequently.

        Mrs. Ade had ensured she provided them with every machine and equipment they needed to do the job,but they still ended up more that scathed. Whenever I saw their state,I sucked up the urge to lament or complain about mine and counted myself lucky again.

        "And I packed two days ago" Oghale whined back. "Don't worry,I'll pack" Onome declared,going ahead to pick a rake. "Really?" Jade chipped happily. "Obviously,we can't make Kainene pack leaves on her birthday" she shrugged as a way of making the comment flippant,although I knew it wasn't. My heart warmed.

        "Awwn,Onome is so romantic" Jade cooed. "Abeg,don't do Jade. Let's do this thing fast and be going" Oghale stated amusedly,giving Jade a nudge. With that,we got to getting the leaves together and off the lawn beneath the tree.

         At least,Onome had given me a reason to be happy today. I'd gotten so much wishes and even secret admirer cards and letters today,but none of them had given me the joy I desired. I knew I hadn't told him about it,but I'd at least wanted to get a wish from him,I'd earnestly waited but it just wasn't coming.

         Daryl literally acted like I was invisible throughout the day and he'd become so elusive. It would only take the twitch of my eyes for him to leave my vision everytime I was able to spot him. It saddened me. 

        I knew I had no expectations from my birthdays but I'd thought this time would be different. I'd liked the idea of sharing the day with someone,but everything had gone down the drain. I was sure we had no fight whatsoever. Even if we had,couldn't he put it off for today?

          Placing the rake against the tree,about an hour into our cleaning,I noticed Onome seated on the opposite side of the ring like concrete bench which rounded the tree. Giving off a sigh,I realised it was either now or never.

          "Hi" I quipped awkwardly as I approached her,earning her attention almost too quickly. "Hi" she replied tersely as I took a seat beside her. "Okay um,..I started,my feet growing cold with nervousness. "I,um,thought about what you said...a lot. And,as hurtful as it was...." she interjected,"I didn't...mean it that way".

         "No,its fine. You weren't wrong after all. I was just,really caught up in my own world and blinded to everything you were going through. Like for real,I had no idea you and Aimua were over" I blurted exasperatedly,flailing my hands in my disappointment.

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