Chapter XLII

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          Evening prep had been long forgotten. My classmates loomed all over the school floors in pairs,triplets and biggers groups chatting away like it was out last day. With our final exams coming to an end,we cared little for the repercussion of our actions as we knew,the school authorities had done their worst.

         I,on the other hand,strolled by Temi's side in search of Kainene. She'd been swept away from my arms in refectory by Onome and I hadn't been able to get her into my possession since then.

         Thinking about the evening gladdened my heart. I'd gone through thick and thin to ensure I'd given her the best birthday surprise. Jade and Oghale had been a lot of help though. The hardest part of the entire plan was my having to ignore her for almost the entire day. I'd almost freaked out and destroyed the entire plan when Jade had come running into the refectory to inform me that the act was getting to her.

          I'd unknowingly stayed up till twelve o'clock that night. To think I had to hold myself back all day from rushing to her and bringing her frame to rest against mine in my embrace and wishing her a happy birthday. It had taken a lot of self restraint as well as all our friends holding me back or pulling me away from her vision each time they noticed I was about to dwindle.

         I'd finally had her with me but Onome had done the good work of stealing her away. Spotting them at a far corner of the apian way,I felt a smile etch unto my lips. "Temi,this is where I ditch you." I gave Temi's shoulder a light tap,noticing Oghale walk up to where he stood. "For the record,I ditched you first" he jabbed with a sly smirk,taking Oghale's hands in his.

        "Bastard" I cursed playfully with a shake of my head as I made my way down the apian way. I noticed Jawal walk up to them from the adjacent slabway just before I got them,handing Kainene a small bag and walking away thereafter.

         "This guy has some mind sha" Onome's words fell on my ears just as i reached them. "What did he want?" My voice clearly infiltrated their chat,causing them to flinch.

         "Ehhn,Daryl just give me heart attack at once na" Onome sneered. "Sure,no problem. But you'd have to give me my girlfriend back in return" I told her with a growing smirk,my arm going around Kainene's waist and pulling her my way.

        "But you're going to take her either ways. So at least,let me survive" She retorted. "Note taken ma'am" I replied,causing Kainene to chuckle. "Daryl,leave my friend alone" Kainene swatted my arm,turning to me slightly.

        "Don't worry Kaine,we know how we do our things. Bye guys" Onome chipped,turning on her heels and making her way down the slabway. "Bye! I'll be back early!" Kainene called out,her vision trailing her friend who gave a simple wave in reply.

         "Why are you staring at her like that?" I questioned,causing her to avert to me and turn completely in my arms. "Because I don't want her to be lonely. She's been really lonely for a while now" she explained.

         "But I don't deserve to be lonely too" I whined. "That's why I'm with you naw" she laughed,her arms coming around me as well. "You guys finally settled the issue?" I questioned,as we broke away but I held her hand in mine.

        "Yeah,this afternoon. I settled it" She laid the emphasis,beaming with pride. "Awwn,I'm so proud of you" I beamed as well,caressing the side of her face. She beamed even more,doing a funny dance with her shoulders and brows which had laughter eluding my lips.

        "Did you think about your mum today?" I suddenly questioned as we threaded stealthily over the slabways,having no particular destination.
"Well,not really. Surprisingly,I didn't" She replied,realisation hitting her as she slid into thought.

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