4. Coffeeshop Talks

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The day has been eventful, leaving me feeling drained and emotionally exhausted. I stumbled into the coffee shop, the exhaustion must have been evident considering the look on Tweeks face.

"Hey Ken, er- are you..alright?" The blonde behind the counter asked, a concerned frown adorning his face.

"Oh- yeah, just tired I guess, had a long day." I slouched on the counter.
"W-would you like to talk about it?" Tweek squeaked.

"I- uh- yeah, yeah sure. That would be great." After the sentence left my mouth he immediately went and locked the store's front door and switched the open sign to closed. "Sit down, I'll make you something."

Doing as he asked I slid into a booth mind wandering, I was so deep in thought I didn't even see Tweek slide the warm-looking drink towards me. Tweek took a sip of his drink letting out a sigh of contentment, he slowly gave me an encouraging smile.

Clearing my throat, I sat up straight as I began. "So, um, I just moved here as you know... and well my parents are worried that I'm going to do something stupid. My um- my mom, she's a psychiatrist, and she does this thing where she psycho analyzes me."
I paused to talk a sip of my drink, hearing little hums from the attentive blonde across from me.

I was never close with Tweek when I lived here, he was always doing his own thing unless our groups hung out together. Thinking about the past was like adding fuel to the fire, my already simmering emotions seemed to spark into a blazing fire.

I avoided eye contact as I felt a heavy weight on my chest, biting the inside of my cheek I tried to think of anything else. My panicked racing thoughts all came to a halt went I felt a hand grip mine, tweeks hand.

"It's okay, I understand. You don't have to continue, I'll go get you something to calm down." Tweek gave a soft smile as he quietly left the table, leaving me wide-eyed, it was like he knew what was happening, almost like he saw right through me.

There was a strange sense of calm that flooded my body and mind, after the littlest touch of comfort. When Tweek returned with another drink for me, he told me it's chamomile tea, which helps calm your nerves and relax. It was sweet that he was trying to help comfort me in the only way he knew how.

The amount of concern and comfort I was receiving from the jittery blonde even if it was just holding my hand or giving me tea was more than enough that I felt more comfortable sharing my issues with him.

There was a strange feeling in my chest after talking to Tweek, it was a warm feeling of relief, I felt as if I could trust him. The twitchy boy somehow managed to calm my raging emotions with so little effort.
Should I tell him? no that's risky.

we continued to talk for a few hours before I decided to leave, it was strange talking to tweek, we were never close back when we were kids. it felt nice to talk to him, I had fun. I walked inside shutting the door with a sigh.

" what are you so happy about?". my mother asked with a raised brow.

"mom guess what, I've made a friend," I said with a smile walking to my room.

today was a good day let's hope tomorrow is the same. I thought to myself.

short chapter but I've been sick for the past week and my mental state hasn't been the greatest but writing helps so imma be pumping out chapters as fast as possible

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