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Kenny POV

I was just sitting on my badass beanbag chair jamming to music flirting with the Hot Cheeto girl on Snapchat when I hear a knock on my door, after making a sound of acknowledgment the door opens to reveal my "parents" giving me a
we-need-to-talk look.

"Yeah? What is it?" I asked mentally punching myself for the annoyed tone.

"Well, we need to talk bud," said my father in a serious tone while taking a seat on my bed.

"Okayyy..." I said plopping my phone down.

"Well we know that you like it here and all." My mother started making me worry they're going to ship me off.

"Okay, okay when do I have to leave, should I pack now or later?" I said with a huff of agitation.

"Huh, you know? Okay, okay son, you can start packing tomorrow," my father said in a surprise.

"Don't call me son if you're just going to ship me off to another family." I snapped as I abandoned the beanbag chair.

"Ship you off? Oh dear! Kenny no! That's not what this is."

"Then what is it? Huh!? You finally got bored of me so you're sending me away!?" I yelled yanking my coat off the back of the door.

"Kenny! We're moving! All of us!" My father raised his voice.

"We're what..." I asked dumbfounded.

"We're not shipping you away, you're apart of this family, you are family, what we were saying was we're ALL moving somewhere else, your mother and I both got better job offers so we're packing up and moving." My father said in a matter-of-fact tone as my mother nods.

"huh? HUUUUUH?! WHAT WE'RE MOVING?! DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT TOOK ME TO PUT UP ALL THESE POSTERS?! Wait- where are we moving to?" I sputter out the words flying out my mouth so fast my brain couldn't keep up.

"Woah, woah okay, calm down that's what we wanted to talk to you about, we wanted to make sure this move won't hurt you." My mother stated sweetly.

"Huuh? Hurt me? Why would it hurt me? Where are we moving?" I asked still completely confused.

"Please don't freak out, umm, so we're moving back to your home town.." my mother said worriedly.

" Huh? I'm so We're moving to South Park?" I finally getting what they were saying.

"Yeah that's why we wanted to talk to you about it, if your not comfortable with it, we won't move." My father says after a moment of silence.

"I-it's been so long, I umm, I don't mind moving there I've been actually wanting to go back to visit.." I say with a little voice.

"Honey, I know it's going to be hard on you especially after everything, and you already made many close friends here but look on the bright side you can see all your old friends, and start new-ish" my mother says with a smile of reassurance.

"Yeah y'know you're right! I can't wait!" I beamed.

"Wait you're okay with it?"

"Of course I am!! I probably missed so much back there! I can't wait." I say with a bright smile.

"Okay Ken, we'll do it then, we have already found a house and everything. And I made sure there's an extra room" My mother said with a big smile.

"Anyways we'll tell you more about it tomorrow, so get some sleep mister, we'll see you in the morning, we love you son." My father said as they left closing the door behind them, leaving me standing there, smile wiped completely off my face leaving me glaring at the floor hating the whole idea of moving back to that God forsaken town.

Flipping off my light and turning on the fairy lights that dangle from my ceiling, plopping down face down on my bed with a deep inhale.

"FFFFAAAAUUUUCCCKKKKK!!!!!" I scream into the bed, the curse coming out muffled, lifting up and spotting my phone still on the beanbag chair.

I sigh and try to play a sad game of the floor is lava reaching across the room for my phone and of course tumbling to the floor with a hard thud, not bothering to get up still reaching and clutching my phone with a swift annoyed motion.

Opening my social media and look at the most recent shitposts and memes finally getting bored of seeing the Same meme over and over I refreshed my feed to see a group familiar faces, the post showed a group of people, there were multiple pictures attached.

The post had my good ol-"bEsT bUd" Cartman, beside him was a clearly drunk Stan marsh with his arm around that annoying bitch I never liked, Wendy with a redhead glaring daggers into her, Kyle was the most decent one in the group, there were two others in the picture I couldn't recognize tapping the screen to see the tags, Tweek.

"Craig mother-Fucker, daaamnn, he's still around?" I mumbled to myself with a sigh, officially excepting my fate of dying in that hell-hole.

Standing I throw on some clean sweatpants and tossing my shirt to the side, finally plopping back down in my bed and closing my eyes, to not actually sleep but to toss and turn.


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