Start from the beginning

"Nope. I said what I said. Where are they?"

"Straight down the hall," he replied with a smile. "Happy, um have a pleasant evening."

Augusta expressed her gratitude and followed the directions she was given. After a few solid knocks and no response, she pinched the bridge of her nose and opened the door.

"Surprise!" A multitude of voices shouted.

Blinking her eyes and taking a step back in shock, Augusta surveyed the room. Her parents rushed to hug her, followed by Priya. When she walked in, Augusta was greeted by some more people from school, including some school band kids and STEM club members. Trevor Nathan-Tromwell was conspicuously absent. Fooking Trevor.

The delightful, 90's themed birthday was too wonderful for words. Augusta binged on her favorite sitcoms; re-runs of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Hangin' With Mr Cooper and Family Matters in her spare time. She loved everything about that era.

People wearing bold primary colours, baggy jeans and big hair stood around with smiles on their faces and clapped. It was so thoughtful of them, and Augusta felt her eyes moisten with tears.

"Thank you so much everyone," Augusta said. "This is a wonderful surprise."

There were a few random cheers and hoots from a corner. Augusta squinted at the guys dressed like the Backstreet Boys. She recognised Pedro's best friend Lucas, Fawcett, DJ, Henry and some other guys from the school football team. She smiled and waved at them, and they responded with winks and thumbs up.

Pedro had to be lurking around somewhere, and she could not wait to pounce on him.

The bright lights suddenly focused on random spots in the crowd and a familiar voice started singing.

See I dey catch cold eehhh

Baby, I dey catch cold...

Augusta's heart was bursting at the seams with joy. He was singing a Nigerian love song to her. It wasn't a recent release, but still very popular and his pidgin English and Igbo were almost perfect.

My jollof rice eh, how u dey do boo.

My tomato Jos o, I don dey think about you. Omalicha nwa.

She looked around the hall but did not know where his voice was coming from. When he started singing the chorus, the spotlights split into two. One on Augusta and the other on him. Pedro.

Pedro's gelled and spiked hair and skinny jeans with a leather jacket made him look like a guy from an 80's music video. All the same, he was here and that is what mattered.

Oyi na tu mo...

Everything else faded away. At that moment, minute or hour—Augusta lost track of time. Pedro made her feel like the only girl in the world, and he had the boldness to do it in the presence of her friends and family.

A lone tear slid down Augusta's cheek.

Pedro cleared his throat, and Augusta thought she saw his eyes looking misty, but perhaps it was the lighting. When he ended the song, Augusta ran to him and threw her arms around him. The crowd cheered and a few random girls awwed. They looked into each other eyes, and just as Pedro tilted his head and Augusta did likewise...

"Thank you all for coming to celebrate Augusta's birthday," Augusta's dad said. "Have a good time and—"

Augusta saw her mom whisper into her dad's ear. Perhaps she advised him to back off because shortly afterwards, they came to embrace Augusta again. Her dad told her he trusted her to be responsible and asked her to be home by eleven. Sharp.


After dancing the night away, pigging out on junk food and eating copious amounts of ice cream and lemon cake— the party was over and people left the hall.

Pedro drove Augusta home, and she sighed with contentment at the touch of the cool air on her face. One hand was interlaced with Pedro's on her lap. The other touched the elegant, 24 carat gold necklace and locket engraved with AM&PM on her neck. It was simple and beautiful and she did not want any other thing. However, Pedro insisted there was still more.

"What else is there?" Augusta whined in the passenger seat of his car.

Pedro laughed. "Aww. Does it hurt? Do you want a cookie or a juice box?" he teased.

"You never forget things, do you?"

"Nope," Pedro retorted.

He parked in front of Augusta's house, and walked her up to the main door with a slim package under his arm.

Pedro handed her the box. "I want you to have this."

Augusta tore at the wrapping paper with excitement bubbling in her veins. Pedro had done so much, what could outdo all he had done for her birthday?

It was his football jersey.

"What?" Augusta asked, looking up into his eyes and searching their depths.

"I'm done with this unspoken thing between us," Pedro said. "I adore you, and its time to take the next step to show you and everyone what you mean to me."

"You've never asked anyone to wear your jersey?"

"I never wanted to before you."

"I don't know what to say," she whispered.

"Say goodnight," Augusta's dad bellowed from inside the house.

Augusta groaned, "Dad!" and heard him respond with a muffled chuckle.

"I thought we were having a moment. I was about to-" Pedro whispered and shook his head.

"Yeah, now is kinda weird," she giggled.

Pedro put his hands in his pockets and Augusta fidgeted with her keys.

"Sweet dreams, babe. If you feel the same way about me, I want you to wear my jersey to the next football match and from now on," Pedro said. He cupped her cheeks with his hands and brushed his thumb over her lips. "Take all the time you need to think about it."


Pedro nodded and walked to his car. Augusta watched him drive away and understood that the ball was in her court. How she would play it was up to her.

 How she would play it was up to her

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