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It started with a hash tag.

Augusta shook her head as she packed stray books and loaded them unto a library trolley. The familiar scent and ambience of the school library did nothing to soothe her thoughts. With a sigh, she pushed forward and hoped day one of her community service would soon be over.

The hash tag spiralled into an unending cycle of likes, comments and shares...

She passed a few kids huddled together at a study desk. They whispered something about their English teacher being a loser, and why the heck they should care what some eighteenth century dude said about love.

The likes, comments and shares created a feeding frenzy for the teenage piranhas online...

Augusta quietly hummed the tune of 'Swing Low, Sweet Chariot' when she reached for a feather duster and cleaned the shelves. She figured a little extra was a good idea.

The librarian cleared his throat, and Augusta looked up to see the grey haired, old man shift his tie and look very uncomfortable.

"Miss Madueke."

"Yes, sir? What can I get for you?" Augusta drawled in a deep southern accent.

"Dusting the shelves isn't part of your job description," he said. "Look-" He shuffled a few random papers on a desk, and paused. His furrowed eyebrows showed he was deep in thought. Perhaps trying to select his next words with caution.

Augusta shrugged with the duster in her right hand. "You were saying?"

"I know you think the community service you're doing is unfair." He leaned forward and looked up and down the row of shelves. "For what it's worth, I think Marina Marsh deserved her suspension and the principal is just trying to avoid setting precedence," he whispered.

Augusta nodded and went to drop the duster in the cleaning supply store. The librarian's vote of confidence was as valuable to her as snow at the North Pole. She replayed the events of the morning in her head. "After an investigation, it was revealed that Marina Marsh attacked and provoked your daughter, and has also bullied other students. That being said, our school has zero tolerance for physical violence so both parties must be subject to disciplinary action."

Her father wanted to protest the decision, but Augusta convinced him to let it go. After all, volunteering at the library after school was something she would like to do on a regular day. And it was only for two weeks. Marina's three months in juvenile detention was long overdue. If not for her criminal record and being caught with drugs on the same day, Marina would have been walking free.

Augusta did not bother telling her dad that she was trending online, and didn't want to add school management drama to the mix.

One by one, she stacked the books back on their appropriate shelves. It was smooth sailing for her, because she was already familiar with all the sections. Just as she was about to put a geography textbook in its place, someone slammed her against the shelf. Before she could shout, a familiar scent of pine, sandalwood and musk rendered her speechless.

"You have got to be kidding me." Augusta muttered.

His voice lowered to a husky whisper, kindled heat in her body. "You have the right to remain silent. Put your hands where I can see 'em, ma'am."

"Stop it!"

"Don't make me use force," he warned in a stern voice laced with amusement. "I won't hesitate to spank you or use any other measures of control."

Augusta attempted to look back but he pressed her up against the shelf firmer. She could feel the distinct contour of his muscular body through her clothes, and warmth rushed to her head. His hands frisked her legs and hips for a non existent weapon.

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