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Augusta craved two things: A light and fluffy slice of lemon cake, with cream cheese frosting and cinnamon sprinkles on top. And suya -thin slices of spicy roasted beef.

Her highly specific craving triggered a mini panic attack, and she checked her monthly cycle monitor. Despite her sombre mood, she chuckled at her own foolishness.

No one ever got pregnant from aggressive flirting. Even if that special someone was a handsome, cocky and temptation personified dude like Pedro. His eyes lingering on her body or his seductive smirk heated her core, but not enough to result in conception.

She blamed her cravings and sporadic thoughts on idleness, and despised Pedro even more because it was his fault. What a douche!

Augusta walked home by herself after her community service at the library. As usual, she had already completed her homework. It was unsurprising that she squeezed some study time in between stacking shelves and filing records.

The good news was that she would have time to relax at home. The bad news was her eighteenth birthday evening was going to be most boring night recorded in human history.

Like every year, it would be a 'family affair.' She would cut a cake with her parents, eat a simple dinner and go to bed early. On Augusta's instruction, Priya would not attend because the poor girl already came first thing in the morning.

Just before Augusta reached her front yard, her phone rang. She rummaged through her bag to locate it, and it turned out to be the f-boy of the moment. Pedro.

"Hello," Augusta said in a calm and borderline cold voice.


Hey? Augusta was silent but livid. His f-boy in Lego city cheerfulness -considering the circumstances made her sick.

"Hello? Are you there?"

Nope. I'm off to see the wizard. The wonderful wizard of Oz. Jerk.

"I can hear you. What's the matter, Milian?"

"Nothing serious. I just wanted to let you know that I signed you up for rock climbing. I thought it would be fun."

Out of all the recreational activities, Pedro signed her up for climbing rocks? Why? Is this mutha out of his mind?

"Sin mi consentimiento? Without my consent?" Augusta hissed.

"Relax. Jeez. If you hate it so much, you should go to Roseview Hall ASAP and cancel your registration by yourself."

A fuse in Augusta's brain was on the verge of blowing. "Why don't you cancel the damn registration! Good ni—"

"I can't. I've already left the building and they'll upload our names and schools to their website. I gave them a little extra info so we could get student discounts."

"Fine, I'll do it," Augusta snapped.

It was a quarter to five and Roseview Hall was just ten minutes away by car. She could call an Über and go to and fro in less than an hour. Augusta wanted to pop into her house and tell her parents but all the lights were off except the security ones around the building. Weird. She decided to give them a call on the way.


Augusta arrived at the Roseview Hall, and gave herself stern, mental orders not to bite the receptionist's head off.

"Good evening, could you please direct me to Rock Rascals?" Augusta asked.

His lips tilted upwards. "Do you mean Rock Riders?"

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