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The wind chime hanging from Augusta's window frame tinkled a gentle melody, and the curtains danced in the wind. In perfect harmony, the glass crystals clinked and reflected colorful rays of light into her bedroom.

"There's something magical about turning eighteen," Augusta said while standing in front of her full length mirror.

Her eyes shone with the realization that she was an adult, even if it were only in theory. As far as she was concerned, being an adult meant independence from her parents. No curfews and her own roof over her head. It sounded great minus the bills. Mo' money, mo' problems. Yikes.

Priya lay on the bed and painted her toenails. "The fourth of December should be a freaking public holiday and the hills are alive with the sound of music," she joked. "You look great by the way. Is there any chance that you're dressed up for him?"

"Of course not," Augusta replied. "Can't I just wanna look nice for my birthday?"

Augusta did not think it was necessary to tell Priya how eager she had been to get a phone call, text or ping from Pedro. So far he was M.I.A. and she refused to acknowledge how much it pissed her off. He was an f-boy, she should not be surprised he forgot.

Priya scoffed. "But you've always said birthdays are no big deal."

Augusta ignored her comment and assessed her outfit. Navy blue jeans and a cute white top. The black converse shoes on her feet were comfortable, and she had ditched her regular short braid bob for a slick ponytail. Augusta knew that she had never looked so good. Except for flute recitals, she had gotten used to being lackadaisical with her outfits. Big dresses and flat shoes were convenient, but she could feel good and look great. Right?

Was Augusta trying to look nice for someone special? Of course not!

She spun around for the third time and admired her body. Augusta had often thought of herself as plain and simple in appearance. At five foot nine with a slim but curvaceous figure, and radiant dark skin she was anything but ordinary. It was high time her butterfly emerged and spread its beautiful wings.

Priya tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and chewed her lip. "We will still be friends now you're openly hot?"

"Of course, friends for life. Thanks for coming over before school, Priya," Augusta said. She tore her eyes away from her image in the mirror, and squeezed her best friend's hand.

"I came for the moin moin," Priya retorted. She dodged a pillow Augusta threw at her and cackled.

Speaking of moin moin, Augusta was glad her mum agreed to allow her prepare it. The steamed bean cake was one of her favorite breakfast foods, and she liked cooking—even on her birthday. Her parents had been nothing but sweet by waking her with a beautiful birthday song they sang in Igbo. The $1000 GAP gift card was also pretty cool.

"I made pineapple custard too, Priya."

"That's why I love you."

"Because of food?"

"No, 'cause um..." Priya sat up crossed her legs, and narrowed her eyes in thought.

This time when Augusta aimed a teddy bear at her best friend's head, it hit its target. Priya clutched her scalp and slumped off the bed—before rolling on the floor and laughing.


"We will have the robotics showcase at the end of the STEM seminar for freshers. Catch them young. Is everyone okay with that?" Augusta asked in a cheerful voice.

The executive members of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math club gawked at her. They had been more or less unresponsive since the beginning of the meeting. Some of them murmured incoherently. Perhaps her new look was more shocking than she realized. Their president in jeans could be likened to seeing a snowman in the summer. Whatever.

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