Start from the beginning

"But you deserve to be happy now, too," he added. "Tomorrow, I'll go with you to school and see the principal. We'll figure this out and justice will prevail."

Augusta cheered up slightly. Even though the matter had not been fully resolved, opening up was liberating and her tension subsided. In a moment of internal clarity, she reasoned that perhaps it was time to stop withdrawing from her primary support system -her mum and dad. They had been gracious and supportive, but she was preoccupied with her distaste for their unconventional lifestyles. Augusta also needed to forgive her father and move on after he almost got himself killed in the ring.

The light brightened in Augusta's mind. If her parents loved her but wanted to live on organic fruits and vegetables, believed in breathing for healing and used sandalwood and tea tree soap...she had no right to have a problem with it.

"We love you, okay," her father said, interrupting her thoughts.

"I love you too."

"From now on, I want you to promise me that you'll tell your mum and I everything. We won't judge you or overreact."

Augusta arched an eyebrow in disbelief and smiled. She looked into the eyes of her handsome, dark skinned father. His tall, muscular build was imposing, but he was the kindest man she had ever known. A small, faded scar was above his right eye. It was the only blemish on his face, a battle wound sustained during his boxing days. Augusta noticed a few grey hairs in his low cut hair. He was getting older, and so was she.

Nevertheless, all African teens knew the unofficial rule. Proceed with caution if you want to share personal issues with your parents.

"I know you don't believe me, so why don't you put me to test?" He folded his arms. "Do you drink or do drugs?"

"Absolutely not, Dad."

"I trust you, and being a Chem wizz, I'm sure you know all the detrimental effects of it."

"Yes, sir."

He rocked on his heels, and put his hands in his pockets. It was an obvious attempt to look casual, but Augusta was not buying it.

"Tell me about your boyfriend," he said.

"I don't have one."


"I don't have one, sir."

"That's not what I meant, dear."

"Seriously, I don't have one, dad."

He rose from her side, and took a few steps back. "Who's Pedro Milian?" he asked with narrowed eyes focused on her.

Augusta gasped and cleared her throat. "Just a friend, I mean, someone at school I'm spending time-"

An amused smile on his face highlighted his curiosity. "Really?"

"-tutoring in Math, Biology and Chemistry. Dad! You didn't let me finish. By the way, who told you? He's no big deal, I'm just doing it for the peer education program."

Augusta's dad walked to the door, and waved it off. "Priyanka saw me at the store yesterday, and she told me all about you guys."

She nodded and suppressed the urge to scream. What the heck? Augusta wondered if telling Priya's dad about his daughter's secret love affair with 'Romeo' her co star in the play would be an extreme pay back. Augusta shook her head and decided to keep her lips sealed. Priya would be put on the next flight to India, and Augusta couldn't imagine life without her bestie.

Augusta's mum knocked the door, and walked in when she was invited. She hugged Augusta and pat her cheeks affectionately, before turning to adjust her husband's collar. She gave him a chaste peck. "Obim, my heart. Are you ready?" she asked him.

He put his hands on her waist and whispered something inaudible which made her burst into a fit of giggles. As far as Augusta was concerned, it was cute but they could save it for their room or later.

Augusta fidgeted and looked away. "Mom, Dad could you..." her voice trailed off when she got out of bed and touched a pink dress in her closet.


"Of course." Her Mum and Dad replied.

They left together, but Augusta's dad returned a minute later. "Since Pedro means nothing, I'm sure dinner with his family won't be a problem," he said.

Augusta balked. "What? Why are we having dinner with them?"

"We've sealed a contract for salad bar pop ups at their hotels in Texas. Relax, it's just a customary, familiarization dinner."

"Wow! That's great, Dad."

He grinned. "I'm delighted. They'll also be our temporary neighbors."

"Neighbors? When? Why? Pedro, I mean, the Milian's have a house in Greater Heights. How on-"

"You're making a big fuss about someone who means nothing," her dad mused. "Get ready and meet us downstairs." He checked his wristwatch, "Thirty minutes, okay?"

"Yes, sir."

After her father left, she leaned her back on the door and slid to the floor. Her dad was right. She was making a fuss about someone she claimed meant nothing. If she could cope with Pedro's charm and raw masculinity during their tutoring sessions and other interactions, a formal dinner was a piece of cake.

Augusta laughed without mirth and shook her head at her predicament. "Piece of cake? Bullcrap," she mumbled.

After being adamant that she would not fall for Pedro, just a few months later her treacherous heart wanted otherwise. Fortunately, Augusta thought with her head and not her heart. Only princesses in fairy tales engaged in such foolishness.

She blew a long breath and braced herself. Being in a room with Pedro during a family dinner would be not be easy. That being said, she had never been hungrier and spicy food was irresistible.

 That being said, she had never been hungrier and spicy food was irresistible

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