Chapter 5

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I was standing on the stairs, bored af. Literally nothing interesting happened during the first hour. Everyone was still sober, that meaning I didn't have anything to look at, or, in the worst case, report to the police.
Every single person here was tanned and perfect looking, making me feel uncomfortable. I looked at a beautiful blonde with long skinny legs as she passed in front of me, while I was trying to cover myself better.
"Stop it."
I heard a familiar voice.
"You know, that guy right there wanna hook up with you." He said, pointing a random guy at the bar, who awkwardly smirked at me. "I guess they're all bored with so much "perfection". And you're actually not that bad."
"Is that supposed to be a compliment?"
"No. But I think it makes you feel more confident."
"Yeah. Sure."
"Anyway, I gotta go. Ash is locked in the bathroom. Michael got some good jokes today so..."
"That's okay. I'll be here, you know...Having fun with the stairs."
He laughed, a dimple appearing on his face. Gosh, he looked as perfect as everyone else here. What's this? FUCKING BARBIE LAND?
"See you later then."

I don't know why he was comforting me so much. Actually, he's not such a bad guy. Maybe we could be friends.
I know I am supposed to but now it's my time to get out and show the world who I am. I'm gonna feel good, I'm gonna act taft, get into trouble and be more confident. And I'm starting right now!
I stood up ready to get on the dance floor, when my was was cut by girl running and screaming and a guy carrying another on his back chasing her and scattering liquid cheese everywhere. I remained there shocked, in the end, deciding to go back to my beloved stairs.


I was in the bathroom trying to take off the big wine stain on my shirt, but even though I was rubbing it with the price of my life, it just wouldn't get out. Shit.
I let out a groan and continued to try. Oh, and in my complet concentration and intellingence, I kinda forgot to lock the room. So the next moment I ended up pushing some wirdo out the door. He was all onto me and mumbling stuff. Drunk, drunk, drunk. Everybody started to get drunk.

After I eventually left the bathroom and opened the way for others, I saw Aria hugging the stairs. That girl is so antisocial. She was actually frowning at everybody and I swear I heard her cursing some girls.
I rolled my eyes and took her hand, driving her to the living, where everybody was dancing. It was obiviouslly the worst move I've chosen, cause she just stood there with her arms crossed.
"Why don't you ever have fun? C'mon everyone is enjoying the party. You're the only one who's just ... I don't know. Unhappy?"
"I'm not unhappy. It's just that... this is not my place. But you are going to have fun. I'm out" she wimped at me, trying to act cool, but... neah. She got to the front door and stepped outside before I could say anything.
I gave up and shook my shoulders. I took another glass of cider, than saw Michael. I wanted to go to him and maybe talk, but he was too busy kissing a hot curvy girl, who I swear was a hooker. I'm not sure if he saw me or if that's the reason, but he stopped and looked down.
I didn't want to get in an argument or something so I moved from that sight and, since nobody I knew or liked was no more in there, I decided to follow Aria's steps...



I just couldn't believe.

The wind was blowing through my hair, touching and still pricking my face at the same time. I felt tears running down my cheeks as I grabbed my knees, readjusting my entire body position into a more confortable one. It was so cold outside and I was dressed just in a flowy and thin dress.

Then, I felt a hand rubbing my back. It was so warm and when I turned around, I could not believe...

"Hey there." said Calum cheery
I raised my head from inside my improvised cocoon and he saw the tears falling down my face. His smile faded slowly as he was throwing aside.
"He's just a jerk. Everything will be okay. There's no need to cry"
He hugged me with his big muscular arms, giving me some more warm. I didn't know why, but I felt safe in that hug.
"How did you know?" I asked him, the curiosity taking advantage over my sadness.
"I just know some things. Don't worry" he responded, his right arm still surrounding my shoulder.
"I won't ask more. But... thank you. For being here and bearing my pain" I said, putting accent on the last word, dramatically.
He smiled.
"It's a bit cold in here. Let's here the entire story inside." Calum said, pulling himself up, than lengthed a hand in a "let me help you" sign.
"Wait. I'm not in the mood to go back there. It's too loud and too annoying and that crappy music really pisses me off and.."
"Well, I was talking about my place. C'mon"
I nodded my head and took his hand, directing to his house. I can tell that at that moment whoever wanted to listen to me was good. I really needed to talk.

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