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Full name: Joanna Blackford-Smith

Nicknames: Joey, Blackie, Johnny, and even though she hates it, she is mostly called Jo.

Age/Date of Birth: 18/born on the 13th of March

Sex: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual/Straight

Eyes: Grey

Hair: Blonde

Tattoos, Piercings, Marks, Scars:

•She has a scar on the side of her hand and ear piercings

Personality: Funny, Idiot, childish, goofy, pervy, kinda turned on by raindeer, for sale on Amazon, courageous, strong, adventurous.

History: Years ago, her bigger sister used to go to a lot of parties, making her like them too. Her brother went crazy after to many drugs. He is in a rehab center. Her other brother is a dentist and doing well . He has a wife and 2 children. She also has a twin, Elliot. They were all raised by their grandparents, their parents being too busy to work as film directors.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/ Disorders/ Disabilities: She sleepwalks and talks a lot. She also takes a lot of risks in her life, endangering it a lot. She smokes and drinks.When she was 16, a group of friends convinced her to help them rob a corner store, she got caught and pleaded guilty. In the past, she used to cut, but now she's clean.

Likes: Music, Horror movies, cinnamon, cats, food, pizza, more cinnamon, dr Pepper, yogurt pretzels, animals, unicorns, rainbows, spicy food, vanilla milkshake, going to wild parties, laughing, spending time with friends, writing stuff, Game of thrones, American horror story, Grey's anatomy, nightcore music

Dislikes: Mr Floopy

Relationship history: Never had a serious relationship, only some short unimportant ones.

Family: Parents and grandparents

Big brother: Sam

Big sister: Jennifer

Brother: Jack

Twin: Elliot


A golden retriever called Tina and two cats: Whisky and Sia


•She prefers sleeping

Favourite movie: Solstice

Favourite book: Starters

Favourite band/singer: Can't choose between The downtown fiction, All time low and Avicii

Favourite TV show: Any kids' ones

Favourite youtube vids: Salad fingers, Buzzfeed

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