Chapter 18

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2nd POV

You and Ink kept fighting with cracked and burnt bones, covering both of your bodies. You and Ink didn't hear the soft noises of pain coming from Dream or the soft cooing of reassurance towards Dream coming from Nightmare. You started panting heavily as you dodged another attack from Ink, firing another attack of your own. Your eyesockets widened slightly as Ink grabbed his red vial, opened it up and went to have some of it.

You teleported infront of him and kicked the vial out of his hands. The both of you watched as the vial hit the floor and smashed into pieces "...." While you were distracted Ink used Broomie to knock you off your feet. Your eyesockets widened more as you fell onto your back.

You went to get back up before Ink put his foot on your chest and growled angrily at you, his eyelights red targets. You stared with wide eyes as a Gaster Blaster appeared over Ink's skull, opened it's maw and began charging up.

You shut your eyesockets, expecting pain "..." You opened an eyesocket when nothing happened and you felt Ink getting pulled off of you. Your eyesockets widened slightly as you stared at who was infront of you protectively, his tentacles raising Ink in the air 'how the-?' you thought lightly.

Nightmare was beside you and started healing your wounds as Dre-....Shattered's tentacles tightened their grip on Ink. Once Nightmare healed you completely, you stood up and walked over to Ink "...." You lightly growled and summoned a knife shaped bone and sliced Ink's sash caught it before it could hit the ground.

You moved back as Ink tried to snatch his sash back, you grinned and threw the sash to Nightmare, one of his tentacles catching the sash "nah uh, you don't deserve soulless Buddy" you said, your eyesockets and voice darkening.

Ink, Shattered and Nightmare's eyesockets widened slightly, "what the- how did you?" Ink stuttered out. You laughed, your laughter going crazier as you laughed.

"What?....What's so funny?!" Ink said, your laughter calmed down "well Bud
... actually... I'm not going to say anything" you said as you grabbed Broomie and grinned at Ink. You lifted Broomie and used Broomie to make a portal to a random au.

Shattered grinned before his tentacles threw Ink through the portal. Once Ink was through, the portal disappeared. You looked down at Broomie "..." You grinned and snapped Broomie in half, letting it fall to the ground.

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