The Foresaken Monastery

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3rd pov:

Nathan and the rest woke up with enough rest for their next adventure. They ate breakfast at the same diner they went to yesterday, but this time with Ellen. They were also trying to figure out how to get to the monastery.

Kolro: since the RV is totaled. What are our options?

David then has an idea and snaps his fingers

David: how about we grab onto each other, and we all fly there?

Everyone then looked at David, perplexed.

Syd: I'm not sure if that's going to work.

David: you know, if we grab onto each other like a chain and Kolro flies us there.

Nathan: Did you get that from a video game?

David: No, it's.....y-yeah, you're right. Well at least it was an idea

Samantha: There's got to be some way we can get there.

Ellen then remembered something.

Ellen: I have a neighbor who has wanted to sell her old car for years.

Then they all had excited looks on their faces.

Syd: That's good. How about we finish up and take a look at it?

Ellen: So you guys aren't picky, are you?

Nathan: No, why?

Ellen: well, don't expect good condition.

Kolro: it can't be that bad.

A few minutes later:

The gang finally sees the car they are going to ride in—an old worn-out car with a missing bumper.

Kolro: well, at least it's something.

Kolro then paid the neighbor for their new transportation. As they were getting in, Kolro looked at Ellen while he got into the driver's seat.

Ellen: Promise you'll come back alive to me when all this is over.

Kolro: I promise. I'll make sure that you and everyone else are safe.

Ellen then kisses Kolro before he drives off to the Monastery. Unknown to them, Barlowe and a group of. Monsters were watching them from afar on one of the tree branches he was standing on. Even though it was daytime, the overcast shielded Barlowe from the sun's bright rays. They begin to pursue the car where the group was in.

Nathan's pov:

As we were riding in the car. The environment around us became cold and wet since the thunderstorm had ceased, giving the environment an earthy smell around us.

Nathan: Hey Kolro, do you mind turning on the Ac? It's getting chilly over here.

Kolro: I wish I could, but the Ac is not working. So we're just going to have to deal with this, unfortunately.

Nathan: ah, excellent.

I groaned. Then I felt an arm wrap around me and noticed it was Samantha.

Samantha: I'm cold too. How about we warm each other up?

We then hurried in close to one another and kept each other warm. It felt cozy when our bodies were together.

3rd pov:

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