Vierick: part 2

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Vierick's pov:

I was sitting in my throne room accompanied by my servants occasionally pouring blood into my chalice. I felt I was at the pinnacle, and no one could ever overthrow me. I then hear the doors to my throne room open and see Barlowe having a look of concern on his face.

Barlowe: my Lord, some hunters are fighting our army. But most of all is that there is one that's powerful enough to stand against us.

I was very intrigued to hear who possessed this power.

Vierick: And who might be this powerful one you speak of?

Barlowe: a young man who goes by the name of Kolro.

I then thought, if I give him my blood, maybe he'll join me. No, that won't be good enough. He has to feel the power of what I have. I then look at the Wine bottle filled with blood right next to me. This power will be so intoxicating that he'll have no choice but to join me, and therefore I'll rule this world quickly as possible. I then grabbed a wine bottle filled with blood and pulled out a small vial, and poured in blood.

Vierick: where is Kolro currently at right now.

Barlowe: I'm not sure, but I heard he was heading to an abandoned town 25 miles away in the northeast away from us.

Vierick: Anything to help me find more efficiently.

Barlowe: to find him easier, one of the monsters injured him, and here's a piece of clothing covered in his blood. You'll be able to track him down using this master.

I then grabbed the cloth and sniffed it and instantly knew where he was at.

Vierick: I'll be right back, Barlowe.

Barlowe: but master, should I come with you just in case-

Vierick: No, that won't be necessary.

After that, I finally went out to meet Kolro. He was very resistant and refused to accept my gift. So I had to give it to him, so he knows how it feels to embrace the darkness. Whether he liked it or not. After I forced him to drink the blood, I then proceeded to leave him and knowing he'll return to me at my side this time. After that, I tracked down where the other hunters where Kolro came from and personally killed every single one myself. When I was done, I returned to my castle, and my army grew into large numbers to the point where I could easily take over big cities and largely populated areas. And I even sent out my army to other countries. Nations and resistance started to fight back, but it was all futile. Over time, I brought the world to its knees. My dream was coming true, and I was at the pinnacle.

Barlowe: My lord, what are you planning on doing after you're done?

Vierick: My plan is straightforward, I'll round the rest of the defenseless human population and enslave them. Not only that but also farm them of their blood.

We both smile.

Barlowe: your plan will succeed, I am sure of it.

I thought that too until he showed up again. Barlowe first faced him. Barlowe took care of the small convoy with him but, unfortunately, was blown out the window and failed to slow him down. When we then finally met the second time. He indeed changed, but instead of turning into a vampire lord like myself, he was different. He looked like a vampire but lacked the bloodlust and sensed no darkness within him. He didn't come to my castle to join me. He came to the end of my reign. At first, I thought since he had recently become a vampire, I could defeat him, but he had the strength to stand against me. After he defeated me, I was then placed in a stone coffin again. I cursed Kolro and promised one day I'll end him. But what he didn't know was that Barlowe was still alive. Not only that, but I have four vials of my blood for him just In case I need more followers. Barlowe tried to find humans still alive and willing to join me. But there were no humans left all of a sudden. He even searched everywhere on this Earth for years and even centuries but to no avail. Until Anthrumans came around, he was going to use the vials but decided to wait since they were similar to Humans. They were destined to grow and expand eventually. After some time, Anthrumans were finally at their prime, living like humans before. Barlowe then sought out three candidates to join and ultimately found three.
Ebony, Scarlet, and Crimson gladly join my cause. And after some time, he finally located where I was being held. He then convinced two Anthrumans to bust through my prison, believing there was a treasure. After I escaped my prison, I was taken to a safe place. And after some time of feeding on Anthrumans, I fully recovered my strength and gained more power than before. I then created a new castle where I reside with Barlowe and the other three. This time I'll have more of an advantage and rebuild what was lost to me. And to stand above like the God, I was destined to be!

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