Chapter 16

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Carol Tzajke left the grocery store and started down the street to her car. Erik had been furious when he left, and she was terrified that he had found a way to prove his suspicions. She flashed on the shack where the root of her fear began. Could he have possibly found their secret rendezvous?

She unlocked the trunk and placed the groceries inside. She would stop immediately; no more trips to the sugar shack, no further contact of any kind. Carol would lie low and keep her head down. Eventually Erik would return, and they could thrash out their problems then. She lowered the lid and was about to close it when the car passing her, slowed to let a young man finish crossing the street.

Carol's mouth dropped as the passenger turned and caught her eye. He quickly turned to the driver and the car sped away up the street leaving Carol weak-kneed and trembling.

"Who was that?" Gwen peered in the mirror at the woman leaning against her car.

"Nobody, just keep going."

"Who was that woman? And don't feed me any bullshit." Gwen threw him a vile look.

"Just someone I was using trying to find you."

"You absolute bastard!" Gwen fumed as she steered the car past the courthouse. "How did you find me?"

He puffed out his chest and smirked, looking out his window at the recently unclad trees. "Not as hard as you think. The kid in that service station back there told me about the only motel around; it wasn't brain surgery. I didn't really need the woman but it helped fill the time."

"You are a filthy bastard."

"Pay me off and you're rid of me."

"We both know there's no money, Mickey, so let's put that to bed, okay?" She sighed and squared her shoulders. "Okay now, this woman. How much of a risk is she?"

He was thinking that he might have to pay the sugar shack a visit; his prints were all over the damn place. "Not to worry. I can take care of that problem tonight."

"Tonight. And where do you propose we spend the rest of the time?"

"I know the perfect place," he grinned, telling her to make a U-turn and go back through town.

The road at the south end, behind the beauty salon, twisted up the shallow mountain through thick stands of pine, birch, and sugar maple trees. Even with the leaves falling daily, the woods were dense enough to prevent seeing much past the edge of the road.

Gwen steered carefully past a field of discarded junk that was apparently the town dump and onto a rutted, trail, following Mickey's directions. When she saw the shack she pulled over under a large spruce and stopped the car.

"You expect me to spend the night here?"

He shifted around in the seat to face her. "You know Gwen, I really missed you after Germany." The crooked smile that once used to start her heart pumping faster appeared on his face. "We were very good together you have to admit."

"Yeah, alright I admit it. Now what about this dump?"

"C'mon inside, it's not bad at all. I've been holing up here for a while now."

She watched his lips as he spoke, surprised at the reaction she felt from his statement. His eyes were still puffy and teary from the repellant but he had the same cocky, boyish appearance as when they first met. They climbed out of the car and made their way to the shed. Right away Gwen noticed the air mattress and the rumpled blanket and off to one side, a small travel alarm clock.

"Jesus, Mickey, what, are you timing your bouts now? Is this where that woman in town met you?"

"Yeah... she's married, we couldn't very well go to her place." He stepped past her and went to a small trunk against the wall. "A little warmer?"

He held up a part bottle of vodka and a paper cup. Gwen just watched him. Watched him try and weave her emotions to his with the old charm. Stupid thing was, she felt a faint response stirring. Mickey poured the drink and handed it to her, pouring on for himself and touching it to hers. "It could be good again you know."

She contemplated the cup for a moment then tossed the drink down, smacking her lips as the liquor singed her throat. "You just spared no expense did you?" She held out the cup for a refill then crossed the shed to the mattress and sat down, legs tucked under.

He poured the last of the liquor into his own cup and set the bottle aside. "I always was pretty easy when it came to you, Gwen. If a guy like me could fall for a dame, it would only be because the dame was you."

Gwen snorted aloud. "Oh puleease!" She scoffed and leaned back against the wall. "If I thought I would fall for a line like that, Mickey, I'd give up now."

Mickey gritted his teeth until he could hear the enamel squeak. His smile frosted but held because he sensed a softening of her defence after playing the humble card. "Don't sit there and tell me you don't still feel something, I know you do. It's in your eyes, Gwen. You'd love me to take you right here and now. Don't deny it."

"What I feel, Mickey, is a curiosity as to how you are going to solve the problem of your current something."

He joined her on the mattress and they tipped slightly as the weight distributed. "She'll be along sometime, trust me. Then I'll take care of things. Meanwhile, a few nights here until it's safe to move . . . He drained his cup and leaned toward her.

Gwen felt a chill at his remark. She knew what he intended and she wanted no part. She brought her cup to her lips, blocking his approach and watched him with cautious eyes, deciding then and there that she would take her chances with the bottle being connected to her. There had been enough killing already.

Mickey gently took the cup from her hand and tossed it aside, inching closer to her as he did.

"C'mon Gwen," he whispered next to her hair. "Like old times." His hand snaked around her hip and rested on her flank as he pressed forward, sticking his lips to hers.

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