Chapter 4

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After dani ran away, you and Yeoryeong went to class and waited for her to come back

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After dani ran away, you and Yeoryeong went to class and waited for her to come back.

Once you entered the class, almost immediately everyones' eyes turned to you and Yeoryeong, some blushing and some glaring.

Neither you or Yeoryeong cared about them, and simply choose a desks next to each other.

"Y/n, do you think dani will come back on time? Class will start soon.." Yeoryeong looked worried for her friend as she put her head on your shoulder.

"I think so, she can act stupid sometimes but she ain't stupid enough to skip first day of school and face her mom's wrath." Yeoryeong chuckled and agreed.

You smiled happily 'she's finally laughing again, sadly it won't last long, once dani came back a lot of drama will happen...'

The door of the classroom opened suddenly, both you and Yeoryeong turned your head toward it, hoping it was dani only to get disappointed, it was a boy with navy blue hair and blue eyes.

'It's Chunyeong.. that means he and dani bumped into each other..' then suddenly his eyes went to you and started walking toward you 'w-what is going on?? Is he coming toward here?'

He stood in front of you and Yeoryeong, she hugged your arm tight to her and glared up at him, is she imagining things or does the aura around him changed to happiness when he saw you? She doesn't like this...

"We meet again, angel." He still remembers you? And not again with this 'angel' thing..

"Y-yeah we sure did, and please stop calling me that, it's seriously embarrassing.." Yeoryeong looked at you demanding answers, you just smiled nervously and pat her head, a sign to tell her you will explain later.

Chunyeong took a chair and sat in front of you "than what shall I call you? You never told me your name.." he ignored the murderous gaze of Yeoryeong and the jealous eyes of girls and boys, and just focused on you
"I'm y/n l/n, and you're..?"

Of course you know everything about the main characters from the manhwa but they don't know that "I'm yoo Chunyeong."

"Nice to meet you Chunyeong.." he nodded his head with a blank expression "Same here." He still blunt with his answers.. well, you know that from the manhwa but what would you possibly say when he's only stared this intensely at you??!

Should you try to continue this conversation? But what should you say? He isn't saying anything either!

'Please.. something.. anything! save me From this awkwardness..!' You cried mentally and as if answering your praying, the door of the classroom opened again revealing dani with three handsome guys following after her.

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