Chapter 5

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Talking with Ji-Ho was fun, this boy was funny without even trying to be, you two even exchanging phones numbers

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Talking with Ji-Ho was fun, this boy was funny without even trying to be, you two even exchanging phones numbers.

You stopped talking after realizing how late you two stayed, Ji-Ho insisted on taking you back to your home in his limo saying it's dangerous for you to go alone this late. You accepted his offer.

After some time the limo stopped in front of the building where your apartment is, Ji-Ho looked outside the window "this is the right place?"

You nodded at him and opened the door then turned back to him "Yes, thank you for taking me back."

"don't mention it, it's particularly my fault for keeping you this late, anyway goodnight y/n."

"Goodnight, Ji-ho" you waved at him with a smile and he smiled back then left, you walked to the elevator and pressed on the floor where the apartment you live in is.

"I'm home" you closed the door behind you and start taking your shoes off before stepping in.

"Welcome back dearest, You sure were late though...where were you?" You smiled nervously and gave her an excuse that you were helping the teacher with something.

"You must be tired, the dinner is ready so go change your clothes and wake dani up."

She then sighed "she's been sleeping since she returned, she slept without changing her clothes so I changed it for her, geez she could have got cold If I didn't." Then You walked to your room to change.

With dani, At the sound of something being chopped with knife, dani opened her eyes, she looked around her noticed she was in her home then looked down to see she was wearing her pajamas.

She smiled happily thinking this was all a dream and went running downstairs to see her mother "Mum! you're here?!"

Her mother sighed "what sort of child would sleep all afternoon until now? How are you meant to sleep at night?" Dani took a glass and started pouring water.

"Mum! Listen to this, I fell asleep while reading a web novel yesterday... and I dreamt of the exact same thing that happened in the novel." Dani laughed at her situation and turned toward her mom.

"Even both my uniform and school changed! And the characters that were also in the novel appeared! It was scary how real it felt and it felt like I was thrown into an unfamiliar world..." dani looked down sadly when she recalled what she went through,

Then she smiled since she believed this all just a bad dream " and two girls I have never met before, one live with us and the other live next door neighbor said that we were best friends, I got goosebumps all over!"

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