There was a sound of deep sighed of hurt and disappointment, "Jennie, does he really care about you so much?" His voice was thick. He demanded the answered bitterly.

The words hit her like a blow, made her freeze into a stunned silence. Jennie felt a pain crept in her heart. She shouldn't have talked about Jisoo in front of Kai. Oh, no. She regretted it. She cleared her throat, thinking hard to find some words not to make her fiancé upset. Why did she have to mention Jisoo's name? "Oppa, I'm sorry." Her voice was soft, full of regrets.

"Jennie, please don't say that you have forgiven him. Please don't say that you and him have...?"

"Of course, not!" Jennie cut his words off immediately. Cursing herself, she tried to deny it. Her heart was beating fast, frightened that she had hurt Kai again.

Jennie could sense that their light mood had been destroyed by her careless mention of Jisoo in their loving conversation. Her right hand pressed the phone handle tightly. She took a big sighed secretly as she didn't want Kai to know she was being troubled with both of these two men.

"Jennie, remember your promised to me? We will be together next year. We can start a new life, a bright life without misery. There will be only happiness. I promised you all happiness that you can get in this world." Kai said, emotionally.

Tears were flowing down Jennie's cheeks. She sobbed silently.

"Jennie, are you crying?"

Jennie didn't answer; only a light sob could be heard. She felt her knees going numb. She pulled out the chair and sat down. She pulled out a tissue and wiped her tears silently,

"Please don't cry. Believe me, you will forget all about your past. Forget all about HIM! Forget that entire bastard did to you!"

Jennie bit down on her lower lips. Tears were blurring her sight. Jisoo's imaged came into a picture. His intent dark brown eyes when looking at her pleadingly, his dazzling smile, his cuteness, his sweetness, his pain and his bright face when she smiled back at him. She felt a pain again, in her heart.

"Jennie, are you still there?" The voice of Kai was sounded worried.

Jennie cleared her throat as tears were choking inside. "Yes, I'm here." Her voice was still trembling.

"Jennie, would you keep your promise?" Kai said weakly, as if he had sensed that something wasn't going smoothly as he thought.

"Yes. I gave my heart to you a long time ago. Just wait for me in Sydney next year." Jennie said firmly, even though her heart was screaming out.

"Thank you. I love you, Jennie."

"I love you, too." She put the phone down.

She stared blankly at the window. She felt a mixed emotion in her heart that she herself couldn't understand. Had she fallen for Jisoo? Why couldn't she hate him as before? Why did she have to lie to herself and anybody else that she hated him? She shook her head. She tried to deny it but she failed, "No, we don't belong in each other's arms. No, we can't have a future together. All I feel for him is anger, not love." She said firmly to herself.

Jennie turned her body and was stunned as Rosie watched her piercingly on the doorway, "What are you doing in my room?" She asked, casually.

"Tell me, Unnie. What are you going to do with Jisoo Oppa?" Chaeyoung asked in a serious tone.

Jennie scrutinized her face, "You were eavesdropping my conversation with Kai Oppa, weren't you?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you hurt Jisoo Oppa again and again. For god's sake, he has enough, Unnie. It's enough to get his punishment from you during these 9 months. Don't you think so?"

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