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Avnita's Pov:

Walking through the market street, I can't help but laugh gleefully. After all, I am finally free.

Free from him.

No matter how much I tried to accept my fate with him, no matter how much I tried to compromise with his demands, no matter how much I tried to do everything he ordered, I just couldn't do it anymore.

Like they say 'Sun does shine after an endless night, so never lose hope'. And here I am strolling through the streets of Delhi with sunrays shining throughout the market, making it look surreal to me. I still can't believe I am finally happy. I haven't been this happy in the past few years.

All thanks to him.

Just when I was going to go back to my friend's place, my phone rang. I stood frozen at the side path and just like that millions of unwanted thoughts made their presence known to me.

Is it him calling me? Did he get to know where am I? Is he here?! Did he harm my friend?! Did he do something to my family?!!! NO NO NO! This cannot happen. Not when I am finally happy! Come on Avnita it can be someone else! Don't overthink!

But I can't shake this overwhelmingly awful feeling in my gut!

With trembling hands, I picked up my phone from the handbag and looked at the caller ID. And just like that, all the colour drained from my face and suddenly I felt dizzy. There it is, written in bold capital letters 'PRIVATE NUMBER'. Looking at this, I can already guess who is calling me. My intuition was right.

It is him calling me.

I knew better from experience to neither decline nor ignore his call. Thinking he will do that again if I decline his call, I hastily accepted the call and placed it on my ear. For a few minutes, nobody said anything from the other side and like the dumb person I am, I thought maybe it was a wrong no. Relief spread throughout my body. And as I was going to hang up the call, the person from the other line started speaking.

"You shouldn't have run away darling. Running away a day before my welcome party? *Tsk Tsk Tsk* Didn't I tell you sweetheart to not try anything funny and wait for my arrival like a good girlfriend? And what did you do? That's right, you ran away despite knowing what I can do to your family and those good for nothing lowlife friends of yours. Now be ready for the consequences because I am not going easy on you this time".

"My darling thinks that she has escaped from me? That she is finally free from me? *hahahaha* She couldn't be more mistaken. Remember darling you belong with me, by my side, for eternity".

"Now I am coming to pick you up from that shitty place of your friend. I expect you to be there with your things, ready and waiting for me. Don't think you will be able to escape again sweetheart because I will find you, just like I found you now".

I gasped and uttered the name of my doom. And I knew I couldn't escape this time.


Ps: This is a fictional book, and so are the characters mentioned in it. Keep it in mind while reading and stay away from men in real life who are controlling, dominating, toxic, over possessive, abusive (both emotional and physical), etc. My male character is a bit of all of the above. Therefore, I don't want anyone to be influenced by it and think it is okay. IT'S NOT. Don't ignore the red flags, and my female character might be a bit confusing but try to see from her perspective because at the moment of the situation, its quite difficult to think thoroughly and do the right thing. I hope you enjoy reading the book.

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