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John Shedletsky sat behind his desk, his head laying on top of the desk with his hands covering it. The amount of work he had to endure took its toll on him. The sound of knocking was heard.

"Come in," replied Shedletsky tiredly, not moving from his current position.

The door opened revealing only BrightEyes with a concerned look on her face.

"You ok?" She asked. She walked towards Shedletsky and put her arms around him. "I'm here, you can tell me anything."

Shedletsky didn't move. "I'm not in the mood right now. Just tired."

"We all are." BrightEyes rubbed her eyes. "I was wondering since you haven't been as energetic as usual."

"I can assure you that I'm just tired. Nothing more." Shedletsky attempted to brush BrightEyes off his shoulders but she wouldn't budge. "Is this all you came here for?"

BrightEyes shook her head, her eyes filled with dread and uncertainty. She ran her hand through Shedletsky's hair in an attempt to calm herself down. Unfortunately, this didn't work.

"What happened?" Shedletsky sat up straighter, now alert.

BrightEyes let out a loud sigh. "I'm afraid I have some bad news."

"Oh god," Shedletsky exclaimed as a million thoughts ran through his head. What could've happened now? Things seemed to get worse and worse and now...he can only assume the worse considering the fact that all their efforts to protect Robloxia were in vain. He then looked BrightEyes in her now petrified eyes. His eyes widened.

"It's Noli," BrightEyes finally spoke, her voice quivering. "He has returned,"

There was a deafening silence. Shedletsky took these words in, doubt clouding his judgment. He suddenly sprang up from his chair, startling BrightEyes and began pacing back and forth. Without saying a word, he shook his head slowly.

" that's impossible! This has to be some sick joke!" Shedletsky started hyperventilating.

BrightEyes bit her nails. All she can do is worry for the admin in distress. She wanted to wrap her arms around him and tell him that 'everything's going to be okay,' but she knew that this wasn't the case. She wanted to give him a slight kiss on his cheek to calm him down. She wanted to protect him from the coming danger. She hadn't realized that she was blushing. She tried to get rid of these fantasies only to find herself blushing even more. Her heart was pounding against her chest, threatening to break free. Anxiety and fear gnawed in her gut. What was happening to her? Was it possible to fall for the chicken-loving man himself? Now that she thought about it, it is possible. She has always liked Shedletsky. She loved the way he cracked jokes at everyone. She loved how his arrogance often ends in himself getting into trouble. She loved the amount of work he had put into the government.

BrightEyes looked down, brushing away her thoughts. "There had been numerous reports of his sightings as well as small breaches,"

Shedletsky let out a breath he hasn't realized that he kept in. He then sat back down into his chair again and put his head in his hands.

"Oh god, what will we do now?"

BrightEyes found herself exploring Shedletsky's desk. Piles and piles of paper are scattered all over his desk, many of which had crude annotations that decorated the pages.

"What's this?" She wondered, switching the topic.

"Wait, don't touch that! That's very important research." Shedletsky warned as his head shot up.

"What kind of research?" BrightEyes inquired, curiosity glittering in her delicate eyes.

Shedletsky brightened a little. "I'm afraid that's confidencial."

"Aw, really?" BrightEyes pouted as she made puppy dog eyes at Shedletsky. "You won't even tell me?"

"No, it's not that," Shedletsky paused whilst not giving in, fumbling with his choice of words. "It's just that I don't want Roblox and Builderman find out what I'm up to."

"Then what are you up to?"

"I just told you—"

"I won't tell," BrightEyes blurted out a little too loudly.

Shedletsky paused. He contemplated whether to tell BrightEyes or not. Sure, she's very loyal to Shedletsky but he can't risk his secret project being leaked. God knows what will happen if Roblox found out that he's preoccupied with another project rather than attending to his duties.

"Very well," Shedletsky then gave a stern look at BrightEyes. "Promise me you won't tell a single soul about this or may Admin strike you dead."

BrightEyes eyes widened in fear. She had never seen the chicken loving admin this serious in her entire life.

She focus at Shedletsky, her eyes locked at the admin. "John, I would never—"

"Good," Shedletsky let out a sigh of relief. "Because I have a suspicion on where these strange anomalies originated from."

"You do?" BrightEyes whispered.

Shedletsky nodded. "I think they're all connected to the Guest species."

"How so?"

"Based on my research, I have come to a conclusion that the Guests have some magical connection with Robloxia itself."

BrightEyes' jaw dropped to the ground at this revelation. "So by their disappearance, this somehow caused all these breaches to happen?"

"Yesn't. It's much, much more complicated than that. I tried digging into the Robloxia Archives on the Master Computer for more information but I found nothing."

"Strange." BrightEyes scratched her chin. "The Archives have all recorded events all throughout history. Do you think that what you're looking for might date back to before the creation of the Master Computer?"

Shedletsky almost immediately shook his head. "Not possible. The Master Computer has been around for centuries, it seems very unlikely."

"And what if it does date further than that?"

"Then that would mean that the only way I can get that information is either from Builderman or Erik themselves." Shedletsky concluded. "But I'll doubt the both of them would be proud if I just waltzed in and say 'Hey y'all, I've been working on a secret project behind your backs and I want some information out of you' while doing the Marachino step."

"You're right," BrightEyes agreed, "that would be stupid. But then again, you are the most familiar with stupid."

"Hardy, har, har." Shedletsky rolled his eyes at this comment. "I would've come up with a snappy comeback for you, but we don't have time."

"You would've?" BrightEyes spoke in a condescending manner. "That's a very bold statement."

"Don't push it, missy." Shedletsky sassed back whilst attempting to not stare at BrightEyes' lovely eyes.

In the midst of all the chaos, Shedletsky didn't realized how drastically his mood changed. Just before BrightEyes waltzed in he was irritated and exhausted, almost as if BrightEyes had the power to lift people's spirits, which is what Shedletsky is always known for. A few moments of silence passed before someone uttered a word.

"Do me a favor and please give me a piece of chicken. I need my comfort food." Shedletsky asked.

"You know, you really shouldn't stress eat. I can comfort you instead." BrightEyes protested, eagerly wanting for Shedletsky to say yes.

"I appreciate your offer but I need chicken." Shedletsky shifted through his paperwork, not paying attention to the admin.

"Oh." BrightEyes looked down, feeling like a deflated balloon. She felt all her joy leaving her. She sluggishly trudged towards the door and went to grab a piece of chicken.

So much for trying.

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