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Builderman felt very desperate right now. Wait, no. Stressed. He and Erik both knew that the link between the deadlands and Robloxia has been strengthened, meaning that more very dangerous myths have a high chance of escaping. He then ran to his office, ignoring the concerned faces of his fellow co-workers, and slammed his hand on the intercom.

"Attention all admins, please report to the Conference room for an emergency meeting! No exceptions!"

Builderman can hear hushed voices and rushed footsteps. Builderman then joined his fellow workers and walked to the Conference room. There was a mass chatter between most of the admins. The atmosphere was tense and dreary. Builderman and Erik both stood up and clapped their hands. The room fell eerily quiet.

Roblox was late for the meeting. He can feel angry glares towards his direction. Looks like the word spread out fast. Only he didn't know what he did wrong, he was doing good favor for robloxia. Why was everyone making this such a big deal? He can feel his face heat up in humiliation. In fact, his whole body was burning on the inside. Since when did the room grow so hot?

"Roblox you're late. This isn't a normal meeting, this is very dire." Builderman's tone is now cold and hard, not its usual laid-back and cheerful tone.

"Why you called us here?" MrDoomBringer asked, changing the topic.

"Well apparently Roblox has banned all the guests," Erik explained, Builderman fell silent.

Some admins who have been working at the headquarters for a very long time glared at Roblox while the newer admins looked slightly confused.

"This is a serious issue because now the link between Robloxia and Banland has gotten stronger." Builderman finished.

Some admins gasped at this news.

"What can we do about it?" ReeseMcBlox asked.

"We'll be sending the most elite admins to guard the site where Banland and Robloxia meet 24/7. The interns will start doing the regular admins' jobs in their place." Builderman explained. "Erik and I decided this because in case any myths escape, the most experienced admins can ban them again."

Shedletsky raised his hand. "Who will teach the interns then?"

"Erik can," Builderman answered.

"Wait really? But we're the most elite admins, shouldn't we be protecting the site." Erik asked.

"I can go. You're needed here. You know a lot about scripting and you're one of the oldest robloxians here."  Builderman put his arm on Erik's shoulders, trusting him.

Erik then nodded in understanding. "Okay."

"Alright, everyone. We will post a list of where everyone will go later today."

Erik and Builderman both ushered the admins out as they waited in the break room.

In the break room, Shedletsky opened the refrigerator freezer, only realizing that his chicken nuggets are gone. Shedletsky was furious.


Everyone knew that chicken was Shedletsky's thing, if that's the case then why someone ate his nuggets?

"Perhaps someone was too hungry?" Matt Dusek shrugged his blocky shoulders.

"Hmmm, that sounds like something a thief would say." Shedletsky poked his finger at Matt's chest.

"Are you accusing me of theft?" Matt pointed at where Shedletsky poked him.

"Well apparently so." Telamon squinted his eyes at the pumpkin wearing admin.

"Hey, guys apparently we're supposed to be in..." A voice spoke out as he entered the break room, it quickly died out as fast as it came.

The admins turned to look at a teal-colored intern, Dued1.


Dued1 saw the chaos that ensued in front of him. Clonetrooper1019 stood next to him.

"Well, you're in the right place." BrightEyes smiled as she walked up to them.

Dued1 shrank back behind Clonetrooper in awkwardness.

"Oh don't worry about them." BrightEyes waved her hand. "It's normal here."

"Ooookay then..." Dued1 scooted out towards the coffee machines, listening to music with his 8-ball headphones.

"Can someone care to explain to me what the hell is going on here?" Clonetrooper asked.

"It's just Telamon throwing a fit again," BrightEyes smirked.

"Hey!" This caught Shedletsky's attention. "I have my own principles!"

"Oh really?" BrightEyes shot back jokingly. "I didn't know you had one."

Shedletsky's eyes bulged so much that it looks like his eyes are about to fall out. Honestly, he couldn't believe BrightEyes of all people would purposely shoot his self-esteem down. Shedletsky was lost for words, knowing that he had no comeback he sighed in submission. BrightEyes then continued to laugh as Shedletsky stood there, dumbfounded.

"Oh y-yeah?" Shedletsky then spoke out after a few seconds. "Well, at least I'm not wearing a dead cat!"

BrightEyes gasped at this. BrightEyes always wears the Ivory Cat Scarf to which had an...unsettling origin. BrightEyes didn't think much of it when she brought the scarf from a sketchy myth years ago. There were rumors that the cat she is wearing was actually a missing cat which was then killed and turned into the scarf to which, sadly, was true. BrightEyes is wearing a dead cat as a scarf. This explains why sometimes, especially at night, she can hear the ghostly meows of some cat.

 This explains why sometimes, especially at night, she can hear the ghostly meows of some cat

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"Well, it is comfy." BrightEyes jokingly pouted as if she was a young kid.

BrightEyes out of instinct, fumbled her fingers with her scarf. Shedletsky didn't have to call her out like that. BrightEyes just narrowed her eyes at Shedletsky. Stickmasterluke walked up to BrightEyes and patted her back softly for support. It wasn't that she was angry or upset for some reason, it was because he reminded her of her past naïve nature. But this was Shedletsky after all, he never takes anything seriously. He always put a smile on everyone's faces except for Roblox. But now, everything is getting serious even when Shedletsky doesn't admit it. Another great thing about Shedletsky that BrightEyes admires, was that he always makes light of any situation, even the dire ones.

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