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Ever since the last meeting, Shedletsky had been busy trying to figure out as to why Guests are so different than Robloxians. So far, he's entirely bamboozled; they looked so similar, they behaved normally. What exactly makes them so special? He couldn't fit the pieces together. There was something missing; something vital. Suddenly, Shedletsky realized that he's entirely focused and serious about this. And the other Admins seems to catch on this new behavior.

"You think Roblox went too hard on him?" Matt Dusek asked Dued1.

Dued1 shrugged. "Roblox had always been a dick. I'm not even surprised if he threatened to fire Shedletsky unless he does something useful."

Matt was taken aback by this; he couldn't believe that an intern, let alone a new employee, would say such a thing about Roblox. "Oooo, if Roblox heard you say that—"

"I know what I said." Dued1 crossed his arms and held his head high, not caring if one opposes his opinion. "H-he acts like he's some sort of robot whose only purpose is to make money."

"Dued, that's exactly what Roblox is." Matt narrowed his eyebrows.

"No wonder why he's such a buzz-kill." Dued1 muttered under his breath, his voice barely audible.

"Well, you're not wrong." Matt then gave a slight smile as he jokingly elbowed Dued1.

"Can you guys keep it down?" Shedletsky politely asked while munching on a chicken nugget. "I'm trying to work."

"Sure thing." Matt shrugged. "Let's go."

Dued1 nodded and followed Matt into one of the offices. Right when they were about to work again, Roblox glared at them. "Where the hell have you two been? Can't you see that Builderman, Erik, and SCS are gone?"

"Again?" Matt questioned. "They didn't bother to drag me along?"

"The hell should I know?" Roblox's voice rose an octave. "You two are way behind in securing the perimeter!"

But before Matt was able to open his mouth Roblox slammed his hand onto the desk. "And before you say anything, don't you dare talk back to me or I will have you fired!"

Despite this warning, Matt raised his hand in hopes of talking. Roblox was not amused.

"What do you want now?" Roblox spat. "You're clearly wasting my time!"

"I'm asking that can you please calm down, we're all under a lot of pressure and Dued here is struggling to update the barrier."

Dued1 nodded.

Roblox's face remained stone cold and emotionless. "I don't care, he better learn how to program quick or else he's fired!"

Roblox did not wait for an answer; he had already turned his back and started walking back to his office. Matt and Dued1 scowled, they clearly hated when Roblox stressed them out even more. Out of all the slimy schemes he had pulled, the admins were all surprised Roblox had not been impeached yet. And it's no secret that they're not the only robloxians who desperately wanted to remove Roblox from office.

And yet, things were never that simple.

Shedletsky could hear the furious heavy footsteps approaching him. Panicking, he quickly hid his findings inside his desk and scrambled to type onto his computer. Fortunately, Roblox didn't catch Shedletsky's abnormal behavior.

"Finally!" Roblox's face lit up a little. "At least one employee is being productive."

Shedletsky let out a nervous smile through clenched teeth. Roblox then continued walking until he had reached his office. Once the risk of being discovered vanished, Shedletsky quickly resumed in reading over the files he had discovered.

It's known that some Guests are born with magic but what bothers Shedletsky the most was one question: How? The only possible reason could be traced back to the Guest 666 incident that happened several decades ago, where a seemingly average Guest possessed such an immense amount of dark magic. The admins had never experienced such dark magic before; such magic that rivaled that of a god. Could the Guests themselves also possess the same type of magic? No, that seems too far fetched. Many also claim that Lucifer himself had played a larger role in the incident itself but that also seems too absurd. It was certainly strange that a seemingly average guest had welded so much power; the strange part is that guest was never a Deviant Guest nor any of his ancestors were magic users to begin with. Maybe Lucifer really did play a role in this somehow.

And if that's the case then who knows what can happen the next time around. Lucifer may probably have played a role in the incident but he can't be directly be responsible for some Guests being born with magic. Could he? And if he did then what would be his motive?

These new questions swarmed Shedletsky's head with curiosity. He wanted to know more.

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