Chapter 1 Where Are They?

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Aizawa sat in the living room of the 1A dorms waiting for Shinso and Midoriya to come back. It was hours after curfew and Aizawa was starting to worry if something bad had happened to them. He slurped his black coffee and looked at the time, 1:00 it was very late, something definitely happened.

Aizawa grapes his phone and tried to call every staff member in his contacts but all of them were sleeping. Just when Aizawa was about to give up his phone rang, Vlad King. Aizawa hadn't though to call him but, wait why was he even calling him at this hour. Aizawa quickly picked up the phone.

"Hello Eraser I am sorry for calling at such an hour but I am very worried right now."  Vlad said sounding tired. "What happened?" Aizawa asked. "Kendo hasn't come back and I am getting very worried, she is never this late." Vlad Kinda replied. Aizawa was a bit surprised since he was in the same predicament. "Vlad I am in the same situation, Midoriya and Shinso aren't here either," Aizawa said. This surprised Vlad, this couldn't be a coincidence.

The two sat in silence before Aizawa spoke, "let's wait until tomorrow if there not here then inform the staff tomorrow that way we can figure out everything." Aizawa hung up the phone and sighs. He was worried for the students, and it was such a random three.

The next morning Aizawa awoke to the class getting ready, he had passed out in the living room. As he awoke Iida was the first to come up to him," sensei are you ok why did you sleep here last night?" Iida asked. "That's not important but where are Midoriya and Shinso?" Aizawa looked around but couldn't see them. Aizawa started to really worry.

Aizawa was about to enter the classroom when he noticed All Might, he decided to ask him if he knew were Midoriya was since they were always talking. "All Might have you seen Midoriya?" Aizawa asked, All Might looked confused, "no I haven't, why did something happen?" Aizawa said nothing and walked away. He entered the classroom and everyone was waiting for him to start the lesson.

After class Aizawa went to Nezu's office. He opened the door to see Nezu standing in front of the door as if he knew he was coming. "Good afternoon Aizawa, care for some tea," Nezu sat at his desk and Aizawa sat in front of him. "Nezu I think Midoriya, Shinso and Kendo are missing," Aizawa said. Nezu's office door opened and Vlad King entered the office. "If this about Kendo being missing" Nezu asked Vlad. "Yes it is," Vlad replied. "I will call all the pros to a meeting to discuss. " Now tell me what happened?" Nezu asked looking at both Vlad Kings and Eraser Head. "Well Midoriya and Shinso disappeared." Aizawa said bluntly, "last night Kendo never came back to the dorms," Vlad King said. "Well we can figure this out later." Said Nezu

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