Chapter 18 safe and sound together again

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Ray and Norman made their way to the 1B dorms, if anyone would be willing to help it would be Emma's boyfriend Monama. They knocked on the door and the small bourse girl answered, "oh Midoryia, Shinso, what is it?" She asked. "Where is Monama?" Ray asked. "He's in his room," she said. The two push past her and bolt for his room. Emma had mentioned in passing where it was.

Norman knocked on the door, Monama seemed fine, he must not have known. "Monama, Emma was taken again," Norman explained Monama's mouth was agape. "We need your help," Ray said. Monama still stunned in silent managed to not his head. "Good," Norman said. Ray grabbed him and the three left the dorm and began to leave the school.

"So what exactly do you need me for?" Monama managed to get out. "Simple, we need to hack into the security cameras around the city, find where Emma went missing after your date, and then get a direction," Norman explained. Monama nodded and the three returned to the 1a dorms. Norman grabbed a computer and downloaded the program that lets you see your security footage he then had to get into then city camera's.

Eventually the black screens changed into a street at night. The saw as Emma was walking and then Isabella grabbing Emma, she then injected something into her neck, knocking her out. She led Emma off screen. Norman switched to the camera that most likely caught the next part on camera.

Isabella dragged Emma to a car and put her in the back and began to drive. She drove to a large forest. Their where no more cameras but they had enough information to at least start their mission.

They leave the dorm and make their way to the stop. They had a long trip ahead of them but with their determination keeping them wide awake they where ready for anything.

Emma's feet ached but she had to keep going, she just wanted to see Ray and Norman again. She was hunger and tired. But what if she forgot which way she was going or if Isabella found her, she noticed a large tree, she used her large hands to climb as high as she could, she shrunk her hands down and sat herself down on a thick branch and let herself rest.

As they reached the last stop the three boys got out and started walking, the buss didn't go directly to the forest so they had about a two Kilmoeter to go.

As they walked the large first became visible. The pavement turning to dirt. Norman noticed wheel tracks, those had to be from the car Isabella drove, he pointed them out the Monama and Ray, "yeah, That gives us a direction to go in," they nodded and followed the tracks.

As they wandered the woods they began to call out to Emma. Her eyes began to open at the sound of her name. She looked she could make out her two best friends and her boy friend. "Guys," she called out she jumped down from the tree, she ran up to the group and tackled them with a hug. "Emma," they all cried outs they all shared a hug with tears flowing.

"Emma," the voice of the last person anyone wanted to hear. It was Isabella. "Leave us alone," Norman said. "I love you all so much so please come with me," Isabella begged. The three didn't budge. Normans body began to crackle with lightning. She hurt Emma, he loved Emma. He shots him self right to Isabella and began to choke her. Nobody stoped him. They all wanted her dead.

Isabella's dead body lay on the ground. Monama used a stick and began to doc a hole, their where no cameras around but pros would be looking for Emma soon. Ray, helped with the hole. Norman jumped in and began to spin, using himself as a drill to make the hole deeper faster. Once it was about 8 feet. They tossed the body in, put some dirt over top they. Found a dead dear and placed it over top the dirt and continues to burry the body.

They walked away from the body and took a different rout out of the forest. They didn't know what would happen but Isabella was gone they where safe, they wheee together.

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