Chapter 15 Before 12

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"Any news on Isabella," Hitoshi asked. "No, we're still looking but we don't have any leads," Shota said. Hitoshi nodded and returned to his room. As he entered his room he sat on his and bed and just passed out.

When his eyes opened he was in a dark place he could feel is was in a liquid, he could also hear humming. The melody was calming and felt familiar. He couldn't move but it didn't seem to matter. Everything was so calm and peaceful. "I love you my sweat baby," a voice said, she sounded sad.

Hitoshi awoke in his bed. That dream, no memory was of him in the whom, but how was the possible? He didn't know, that's when it hit him the humming the sound of her voice, it was Isabella. It all came back to him. He remembered his childhood. He quickly got up, and ran to get to his dad.

"Dad, dad," Hitoshi said while gasping for air. "Hitoshi what is it?" Shota asked confused. "I just remembered things from when I was a kid," he said. "Sit down," Shota said. "Hisashi get down here," Shota yelled. Hisashi came down the stairs with his hair tied in a messy bun. "What is it" he asked. "Hitoshi remembered something." Shota said. Hisashi looked surprised but sat down and waited for Hitoshi to start.

"Well, I wasn't like other kids, I remembered being the whom, I remembered by biological mother," Hitoshi said looking away. "Well who is she?" Hisashi asked. "The woman who gave birth to be was Isabella," Hitoshi said. Shota and Hisahsi were surprised. "As a kid I was still raised as an orphan when I was about six I deposed I knew she was my biological mother and I knew things I wasn't supposed to know," Hitoshi said. "We made a deal that day, I don't know if I regretted it though," Hitoshi finished telling and waited for a reaction. "What was the deal?" Shota asked. The room went silent as he waited for a response. "I don't know," Hitoshi said.

Eventually they all got up, Shota took a nap, Hisahsi was showering and Hitoshi was leaving the house. Things had changed since they had returned to UA, he had moved back in with his adoptive parents, Norman or Izuku Midoryia had moved in with All Might and Emma was spending week ends with her new boy friend and his parents according her things are going well with him.

As he reached the large house he knocked on the door. It opened and his friend opened it, "oh Ray nice to see you," Norman said. "I need to ask you something," Ray said as he walked pass Norman into the large house, "is All Might here?" He asked. "No he left a few minutes ago for some meeting," Norman said. "Good, I know you had those dreams that helped you get some of your memories back," Ray said. "Mhm, I don't think we will ever truly remember everything like before but I'm happy right now," Norman said. "Good, the do you remember the demons," Ray asked. Norman stayed silent, surprised by the question. "Yes I do," Norman said, "recently I have more and more dreams about them, before it was just us at UA but now it's a mix of us before the age of twelve and," Norman stoped not wanting to remember those times. "Do you think Emma knows?" Norman asked. "I don't know but let's not remind her, she deserves a normal life after all she did for us," Ray said. Norman nodded.

"Now what?" Ray asked, "well All Might shouldn't be back for awhile, let's go over everything we know," Norman said leading Norman upstairs.

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