Chapter 2 Family

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"Good morning Mum," a bright and happy Emma said coming down the stairs. "Good morning Emma your the first one up," Isabella said. Emma sat down, the table was packed with fruits, toast and lots other breakfast food. "Mom when do you have time to make all of this food?" Emma asked looking at the table. "That don't matter what dose matter is finishing it all," Isabella replied.

Suddenly two boys came down the stairs. "Good morning," Norman said "I'm hungry," Ray said grabbing some toast. They two boys sat down and started eating. "Hey mom can you please explain what exactly happened to Grace field?" Ray asked looking at Isabella. "Well a few weeks ago there was a fire part of the building fell on you three," Isabella said sadly. "I don't know why but I feel like I am forgetting something," Norman said scratching his head. "But almost every kid left when they were twelve to why were we there at fifteen?" Ray asked Isabella, there no malice in his voice just curiosity. "That was just a coincidence," Isabella explained. "I feel sad knowing that you three have forgotten the last five years of your life," Isabella said.

They ate breakfast and talked about there plans for the day. "Mom, can Norman Ray and I go to the mall today please?" Emma asked, giving puppy dog eyes. "Of course just try not to stay too late?" Isabella asked. "Of course mom," Emma said excitedly.

They finished eating and Emma, Norman and Ray go upstairs to there shared room to get dressed. "Hey guys I need to confess something," Norman said sheepishly. "What is it?" Emma asked worked for her friend. "I have been having these strange dreams lately," Norman looked embarrassed. "Well what is it?" Ray asked Norman bluntly. "Well there are eight figures, they all have a sort of glow to them and one of them who feels different then the others tells me to remember, I try to ask what I need to remember but I can't talk," Norman said feeling a bit embarrassed. "Well that's something." Ray says with a half laugh." I am sure it's nothing although I don't think your brain can make up faces." Emma said while picking a shirt. "Dose it really matter?" Ray asked. " Probably not," Norman said.

The three get dressed and go down stairs. "Ok mom we're off now," Emma said as the three left the house. "Should I grow my hair out?" Emma asked out of nowhere. "Well If you want but then don't complain about all the work that goes into it," Ray said almost flaunting his slightly longer hair. "It's great the way it is and we all match having short hair." Norman said with a smile. "True we're the short hair gang" Emma said optimistically.  "You know what I should grow my hair out so I don't have to be included." Ray said sarcastically. " I was kidding," Emma said with her child like enthusiasm.

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