Chapter 8 Dreams, Questions and Answers

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Once again Norman was in a dark area however now their was a table and chairs, one chair was taken by the glowing man and the other was empty, he decided to sit down. He still couldn't speak. "I'm sorry for not coming to you sooner but I wasn't able to until now," the figure said. Norman nodded. "I am sure you have questions but I will summarize it, you are not safe, you and your friends are in danger," he said this scared Norman his eyes widened. What did he mean why were they in danger. "We don't have much longer but you need to go to UA," he said. Suddenly the area around them faded.

Norman was now in a room, it had green sheets, a a few pictures sat on a table, one them had a picture of the group from the Dream however he looked at one of the members it was him but he had shaggy green hair and eyes. He looked to to the nest one, it was a picture of himself Ray and Emma, Emma had grown her hair and her hair was completely orange, His hair was shaggy but still it's normal silver colure and Ray's hair was longer but still black. This had to be an older picture.

He looked around more, he looked at the bed again and noticed a uniform, it was a grey blazer, a red tie and dark grey pants. He looked out the window, he saw outside, he saw a large building but he also saw himself, he had green hair and eyes like in the picture suddenly he remembered, this was his room at his school. He turned around and opened the door, it was a hallway other people around his age we're walking, Norman followed them and they would up in a living room. "Midoryia are you doing ok?" He nodded, he turned his head and saw Ray. He suddenly felt his body move, he walking towards Ray. He was suddenly in front of his childhood friend. "Hey," hey said, he grabbed Normans arm and took him to a washroom, "hey Norman you know what today is?" Ray asked. Suddenly Normans mouth opened and began to speed. "Today we meet with Isabella." Norman said. "We're meeting Emma at the apartment complex we stayed at when we first arrived in the human world." Ray said Norman nodded. Norman was confused why were they meeting Isabella.

Suddenly he was behind a building, Ray had black hair, Emma's hair was orange fading into blond but it was now up to her elbows. "Don't you think it's weird she asked us to come like this?" Emma pointed out. "Yeah but we have to do this," Ray said. "Remember stick to the plan, we have to go into this under the assumption she is planing something," Norman said, Ray and Emma nodded. They started walking, suddenly Norman was back in the black space. What was all of that, he pondered. The glowing man was in front of him. He smiled at him and sudden, he was pulled away from him, he then woke up.

"Good morning Norman," Isabella said. Norman got up, he had to tell Emma and Ray about his dream as soon as possible. Emma and Ray was already dressed so Emma had to getting changed in another room. He got up and quickly changed and went downstairs to find Emma eating french toast. "Emma couldn't you wait for us?" Isabella said with a sigh. "Hahaha, Emma you have whip cream all over your face," Ray said, tears coming down his face from laughing. Norman also started laughing, you three never grow up," Isabella said in an exasperated tone. Ray and Norman sat down and began eating. As they are they talked about what the plan for the day was. "I'm going to work today so you three should just stay home," Isabella said. The three nodded.

As Isabella left for the day the three smiled and waved but as the door closed Emma and Ray looked at Norman. "Did you see anything?" Ray asked Norman. Let's go upstairs first." Norman said. The three went to their shared room. "What happened Zin your dream," Norman. "Well we were meeting Isabella for something and from what I can we weren't on good terms since in my dream Ray told us to be on guard." Norman said. "Did you see any of the people we saw at the mall in you dream?" Emma asked. "No but I was in the same as yesterdays dream." Norman said. We went to this apart building to meet up," do you remember were it was?" Emma asked I don't know. Norman said. "We have to try and find it," Emma said. "Emma we don't even know if it's important," Ray said. How about this you two go and find it and I'll stay here," Ray said. Norman and Emma were confused. "Why," Norman and Emma said. "I want to look around the house," Ray said. Emma and Norman agreed and left the house. "Ok let's head to the train station first," Norman said, the two set off.

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