ベイブレードバーストエクストリームファイナルPart 21

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Bell looked into the air as Rashad looked at Bell. Bell then smiled at Rashad. Rashad then led Bell to the stadium. Rashad took out Raphael and challenged Bell to a battle. Bell then said I will go with Perfect Carnage Belial X. Bell then said Belial is going to make you explode. Rashad then said You're not going to beat me. Bell and Rashad got in launching positions. First Battle ready set 3,2,1 Go Shoot Belial and Rapahel entered the stadium. Raphael then rushed into the air and then Belial hit the SP Core and then rushed at Rapahel knocking it into the wall. Raphael then rushed into the air and then the Halo raised. Belial then rushed around the arena and then increased its speed and then slammed into the wall and flipped into the air. Belial then slammed into the ground and then smashed into Raphael slamming the Halo back down. Raphael then flipped into the ground and then Rashad yelled Greatest Dagger!!!!!!!!!! Belial then rushed into the air and then Raphael launched into Belial. Bell then yelled Explode with Raphael. Bell yelled CARNAGE EXPLOSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Belial then exploded with Raphael.  Belial and Raphael were launched out of the stadium. Belial hit the ground first and then Raphael was launched into the ground. Bell and Rashad then went to go pick up their beys. Bell then said I am going to win this battle. Rashad then looked at Bell and then said I am going to win this Raphael. Bell was then pulled into the void and then Bell asked Belial how they were going to beat Raphael. Belial then said Battle the way you always do. Second Battle ready set 3,2,1 Go Shoot Belial and Raphael entered the stadium. Belial hit the SP Core and then rushed around the arena. Belial then rushed into the air and then flew into the air. Belial then flipped through the air. Belial then rushed at Raphael. Bell then jumped into the air and then Belial jumped with him. Belial and Bell slammed their hands together causing a giant explosion. Belial then slammed into Raphael and engulfed the stadium with a giant explosion. Raphael then stood towards the edge of the stadium. Belial then rushed down the stadium and then rushed towards Raphael. Belial then slammed into Rapahel and then Belial and Raphael clashed into the air and then slammed into the ground. Belial and Raphael then rushed around the arena on the lower deck. Belial and Raphael rushed into each other and then slammed into each other. Belial then flipped into the air with Raphael. Belial and Raphael then moved from each other and then circled around the stadium. Belial then slammed into Raphael causing the layer of Raphael to slowly. Raphael's Halo raised and then Belial then slammed into the ground and then rushed around the arena. Bell and Rashad were pulled into the void. Bell then rushed around Rashad and then Belial evolutions then flew with Bell. Bell then rushed into the air. Rashad then yelled BELL COME AT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bell then said I AM GOING TO DEFEAT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rashad and Bell went back to the present. Raphael and Belial rushed around the stadium. Raphael's aura surrounded it and Belial's Aura then surrounded Belial. Belial and Raphael then clashed in the center of the stadium. A giant explosion engulfed the lower deck. Belial then slammed Raphael into the air and then Raphael flew to the upper deck and then landed on the upper deck. Belial then slammed into the lower deck and then landed on the ground. Raphael landed on the upper deck and then rushed around the arena. Bell then was pulled back into the void and then saw Greatest Raphael spinning around the arena. Bell then saw Perfect Menacing Belial XR. Rashad then smiled and said I am going to win and defeat you. Bell then looked into the air and then smiled. Bell then yelled BELIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A giant purple lighting then flew out of the previous Belial's into Perfect Menacing Belial XR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bell then broke out the Sky while riding on Belial. Bell then said Come At Me Rashad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rashad yelled RAPHAEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Raphael then rushed around the arena on the top deck. Belial then slammed into the ground. Belial's FS Core then rode the rim of the stadium and then flew into the air. Bell then jumped off Earth and then flew at Rashad. Rashad then flew at Bell from Space. Raphael flipped off the lower deck and then Rashad circled around each other and then began Greatest Spear. Belial then jumped into the air after Raphael. Bell then yelled BELIAL"S EXPLOSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Belial and Raphael slammed into each other with such force and then a giant explosion then engulfed the entire stadium. Belial was being pushed back and then their hand was put on Bell. Valt,Aiga, Drum, Hyuga, and Hikaru then put their hands on Bell's hand telling him to win. Belial then combined the aura with Valkyrie, Achilles, Dragon, Hyperion, and Helios then flew into Belial. Belial then turned Rainbow and then pushed Raphael up the stadium and then into the air. Rashad then broke through the air and then flew at Bell. Bell then jumped into the air and then yelled RASHAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rashad then yelled BELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bell then yelled VICTORY Z ACE SUPER KING BURST EXPLOSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Belial then slammed Raphael into the stadium causing a massive explosion that engulfed the stadium causing the upper deck of the stadium to break.Then Bell and Rashad yelled I AM GOING TO WIN THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Raphael flew out of the light and then all of the negative energy disappeared. Raphael then flew into the air and then bursted. Valkyrie, Achilles, Dragon, Hyperion, Helios, and Belial said Good Job Bell you did it. Belial stopped spinning. Bell and Rashad then shook hands. Bell then said Thank you Rashad for Being my Rival. Rashad then said Thank you Belial for helping me!!!!! Bell and Rashad then launched their Beyblades back into the stadium. Belial and Raphael then circled around the stadium. As the Valt, Aiga, Drum, Hyuga, and Hikaru then watched from the stands.

Lui, Phi, Lane watched from behind telling Bell and Rashad to battle full power. All of the people from every generation stood in the stands watching the new generations. Belial and Raphael clashed in the center of the stadium. Bell and Rashad then yelled I AM GOING TO WIN THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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