ベイブレードバーストエクストリーム第11章オーウェンvsラナックカーネイジオリオンPart 11

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Owen sat on the chair and then took something out of a box. Owen then held his hand out and said What is this suppose to be. Owen then said It's a energy core of Omega Orion. As then he said Carnage Energy Core. Now then say Owen sat on the chair and then took something out of a box. Owen then held his hand out and said What is this suppose to be. Owen then said It's a energy core of Omega Orion. As then he said Carnage Energy Core. Now then say hello to Carnage Orion. Ranak then said Let me see it. This is Carnage Orion. Carnage Orion it's attack has been increased. Owen then said I also put the Driver core on the Speed Driver. This is Carnage Orion. Ranak then said It's so cool. I will defeat every Beyblade that comes are way. Ranak then said No my Berserk Ragnurak will beat you. Owen then said Oh yeah. Owen and Ranak raced back to the front of the Casimir Mansion. As then Owen said Let's battle. Owen and Ranak stood in front of the stadium. Suzuki then stood at the side of the stadium. As then Suzuki said First Battle ready set. 3,2,1 Go Shoot Carnage Orion landed on the side of it's tip and raced ahead of Ragnurak. As then Ragnurak took the center of the stadium. Carnage Shoot yelled Owen. As then Carnage Orion rushed at Berserk Ragnarok with a bunch of attacks. Now Berserk Cyclone yelled Ranak. Carnage Orion was then sent flying. Ranak then said How's that. Owen then said Is that all you got. Orion crashed into the wall and continued spinning. Orion then knocked Ragnarok away from the center of the stadium. Carnage Orion then started to lose spin. As then Ranak said Now is my chance. Go Ragnurak yelled Ranak. Super Berserk Counter yelled Ranak. Ragnurak then raced towards Carnage Orion. Carnage Orion then used the driver once more and then dodged the attack. As then Owen yelled Carnage Orion. Carnage Orion landed on the rim of the stadium and raced to the third rim. Now Orion finish it. Orion then raced around the stadium faster. Orion raced of the rim of the stadium. Carnage Vermillion yelled Owen. Carnage Orion then glowed red and black and flew into Ragnurak causing a flash of light to cover the stadium as then Ragnurak then flew into the air. As then a light of red bursted in the air. As Ragnurak's layer fell to the ground. As then Owen saw Rashad who said battle me. First Battle ready set 3,2,1 Go Shoot Valkyrie and Orion landed in the stadium as then Valkyrie hit the wall as then Valt yelled Valkyrie hit Owen into the air. As then Owen said Carnage Orion isn't finish just yet. Valkyrie then hit into the wall. Awakening Savior Valkyrie. It's time to finish Valkyrie yelled Valt. Valkyrie then flew into the air. There It is Savior Slash yelled Valt. Owen then said Carnage Impact. Carnage Orion then slammed Savior Valkyrie out of the stadium. As then Rashad True Shot Upper yelled Rashad. Valkyrie then hit Orion up into the air pushing it more and more. As then Owen said Go Carnage Orion yelled Owen. Carnage Orion then charged up more and more energy. As then Owen said Time for Super Carnage Impact yelled Owen. Carnage Orion then slammed Valkyrie into the air and then Valkyrie pushed Orion up more and more. As then Owen said End it All Carnage Orion. Carnage Orion then tilted downwards. Finish It Off Carnage Hell yelled Owen. As then Orion slammed Valkyrie into the air. Valkyrie flew into the air. Orion hit the wall. Valkyrie bursted. As the Owen said I wonder what Valt is doing. Valt vs Aiga was happening. Valkyrie and Achilles circled around the stadium as Valkyrie hit the wall. As Valkyrie circled around faster and faster. Super Lighting Flash Shoot yelled Valt. Valkyrie raced at Achilles. Achilles then bursted. Achilles and Valkyrie circled around each other and clashed in the center of the stadium. Valt and Aiga got ready for the last battle. Valt and Aiga then backup as then got ready to launch 3,2,1 Go Shoot Valkyrie and Achilles landed in the stadium and clashed multiple times. Achilles and Valkyrie flew into the air. Achilles then changed in energy mode. Achilles then hit the wall and slammed Valkyrie into the air. Super Lighting Flash Shoot yelled Valt. Valkyrie recovered and circled around the stadium. Go Beyond Valkyrie yelled Valt. Blow It Away Achilles yelled Aiga. Achilles and Valkyrie dodged each other. As Valkyrie hit the wall. This is not about to end Super Lighting Jet Shoot yelled Valt. Valkyrie hit the wall and flew at Achilles. Blow It Away Achilles yelled Aiga. Achilles and Valkyrie then raced around the stadium. Valkyrie hit the wall and circled around the stadium. Now then Achilles use your Super Noble Sword yelled Aiga. Achilles and Valkyrie clashed in the center of the stadium. As then Achilles and Valkyrie flew from the center of the stadium. Now then let's end Achilles. Aiga hair then extended as two bangs grew from his hair. As Valt hair glowed. As then Valkyrie and Achilles circled around the stadium as Valkyrie and Achilles circled around the stadium one last day as the impact covered the stadium. Valt vs Lui. Valkyrie and Longinus landed in the stadium. Valkyrie then spun around the center a lighting speed. Super Lighting Flash Shoot yelled Valt. Longinus then picked up speed and the rails and circled around the stadium. Valkyrie then stopped and dodged the attack. As then Valkyrie and Longinus clashed in the center of the stadium. And to the Battleship Cruise. Aiga and Fubuki vs Houi Oh and Laban. First Battle ready set 3,2,1 Go Shoot Achilles and Forneus landed in the stadium as Leopard and Hercules did the stadium. Now Archer Strike. As Achilles ran threw Hercules bursting it. What. Achilles then circled around the stadium. Tear It Apart with Howling Bite yelled Laban. As Achilles was being thrown around and around. As the Forneus then hit its driver tip and clashed into Leopard. As then Forneus clashed against Achilles and Leopard. Now Then Blow It Away Achilles yelled Aiga. Achilles then glowed. As then Aiga said Super Noble Buster. Achilles then knocked away Forneus. Forneus was thrown into the air as was Leopard they both bursted. As then Aiga said We did it Fubuki. As then Fubuki was in shock that Aiga got out of his attack. Achilles took the center of the stadium. We won said Aiga. As then Aiga saw Suoh as he said Aiga i challenge you to a battle. Aiga then said Let's do it. Achilles and Salamander landed in the stadium. Take to the rails use Super Noble Slash yelled Aiga. Achilles then slammed into Salamander causing it to fly into the air. As Aiga looked at Suoh and said I wonder what you'll do next. Strike Salamander yelled Suoh. That is what i was waiting for. Achilles yelled Aiga. Achilles then took to the rails. As it picked up speed and flew into the air. Sword Rebellion Hell Slash yelled Suoh. Time For Super Noble Sword yelled Aiga. Achilles then rushed threw Salamander causing it to burst. Drum vs Arthur. First Battle ready set 3,2,1 Go Shoot Dragon and Apocalypse landed in the stadium. Go Dragon yelled Drum. Apocalypse yelled Arthur. Apocalypse and Dragon circled around the stadium. As Arthur yelled Dark Turbo. End Blaster yelled Arthur. Dragon then flew into the air. Rise Up Dragon yelled Drum. Dragon then wings glowed gold. As Rainbow appeared behind it. Now use your Beyond The Vortex is Super Vortex Break. Vortex Dragon then slammed into Apocalypse. Kitt vs Valt. Valkyrie and Air Knight are clashing in the stadium. Air Knight rode the rails. As Valkyrie rode up the rails. Super Lighting Slash. Valkyrie and Air Knight clashed as Air Knight flew into the air. As Valkyrie circled around the stadium with such speed. As Air Knight flew down. As then Air Knight fell down at Valkyrie. Now Air Knight yelled Kitt. Finish It Valkyrie yelled Valt. Give it Something to Remember Super Lighting Slash yelled Valt. Valkyrie and Air Knight clashed in the center of the stadium. Valkyrie bursted Air Knight. As the Achilles and Hades flew back. As Achilles and Hades raced to meet in the center of the stadium. Blow It Away Achilles yelled Aiga. Dead Impluse yelled Hearts. Super Noble Buster yelled Aiga. Achilles slammed into Hades causing a massive light to engulf the stadium. As the Hades bursted. Aiga then said We did next opponents. Free vs Valt. Fafnir took the center of the stadium. As the Valkyrie hit the wall and Valt yelled Super Lighting Sword yelled Valt. Fafnir took the center. Jaynold then stood at the stadium. Jaynold then said Solomus is the strongest. Jaynold then pulled out his launcher at looked at Solomus and said Solomus will never lose. Solomus then said Blood is one thing that we need. As Jaynold was scared. As then Jaynold closed his eyes and when he opened them Solomus dashed threw it's opponent. Jaynold was 13 years old. Jaynold then said I won. But it's not finished Jaynold then said and Now Solomus yelled Jaynold. Solomus then took the center of the stadium. As then Valt looked at Rashad as then he said Valt I challenge you to a battle. Valkyrie and Valkyrie landed in the stadium. Time for Savior Slash yelled Rashad. Super Lighting Sword Awake yelled Valt. Valkyrie then slammed away Savior Valkyrie causing it to fly into the air. As then Rashad yelled True Shot Upper yelled Valt. Savior Valkyrie was pushing up Lighting Valkyrie little by little as then Valt said Go Beyond Valkyrie. Valkyrie then flew out Savior Valkyrie attack's. Wait what the heck is going on said Rashad. Valkyrie hit the wall as it sped it the time it took to speed up it's awakening form. Valkyrie yelled Valt. Valkyrie flew off the wall. As Valt yelled Beyond The Lighting is Awakened Lighting Sword. Aiga was walking threw the streets of japan until Lee challenged Aiga to a battle. As then they went to a stadium were a crowd was watching them. As then Aiga changed Achilles to Balanced Sword Mode. First Battle ready set 3,2,1 Go Shoot Crescent Lion is running at high speeds towards Achilles hit it sideways. Achilles then knocked Lion out of the way. As the Lion hit the wall and landed in the stadium. Achilles then grabbed the rim of the stadium. Achilles then rode the rim of the stadium. Lion and Achilles circled around the stadium. Super Noble Slash yelled Aiga. Super Crescent Attack yelled Lee. Lion and Achilles clashed at then Achilles was thrown out of the attack. Achilles hit the wall. Aiga then said We are just getting started. Lee then said Lion is just getting started. Go Lion yelled Lee. Aiga then yelled Achilles. Achilles and Lion hit the wall and flew up the stadium. As then Aiga yelled hit from the sit. Achilles then launched Lion into the wall. Lion then hit the wall and circled around the stadium multiple times. As then Aiga said Achilles blow it Away. Achilles rode off the stadium wall as Lion rode off the rail. As Aiga yelled Super Noble Slash. Crescent Fang yelled Lee. Achilles and Lion clashed in the center of the stadium. Achilles and Lion flew out of the stadium. Achilles and Lion flew out of the stadium. Achilles then flew into the air. Achilles then flew downwards. Aiga then flew down. Aiga then said Time for Super Noble Dive. Achilles flew down on top of Lion. As Achilles launched it up into the air bursting it. Achilles then landed in the stadium. As then Achilles flew into the air. Say hello to Carnage Orion. Ranak then said Let me see it. This is Carnage Orion. Carnage Orion it's attack has been increased. Owen then said I also put the Driver core on the Speed Driver. This is Carnage Orion. Ranak then said It's so cool. I will defeat every Beyblade that comes are way. Ranak then said No my Berserk Ragnurak will beat you. Owen then said Oh yeah. Owen and Ranak raced back to the front of the Casimir Mansion. As then Owen said Let's battle. Owen and Ranak stood in front of the stadium. Suzuki then stood at the side of the stadium. As then Suzuki said First Battle ready set. 3,2,1 Go Shoot Carnage Orion landed on the side of it's tip and raced ahead of Ragnurak. As then Ragnurak took the center of the stadium. Carnage Shoot yelled Owen. As then Carnage Orion rushed at Berserk Ragnarok with a bunch of attacks. Now Berserk Cyclone yelled Ranak. Carnage Orion was then sent flying. Ranak then said How's that. Owen then said Is that all you got. Orion crashed into the wall and continued spinning. Orion then knocked Ragnarok away from the center of the stadium. Carnage Orion then started to lose spin. As then Ranak said Now is my chance. Go Ragnurak yelled Ranak. Super Berserk Counter yelled Ranak. Ragnurak then raced towards Carnage Orion. Carnage Orion then used the driver once more and then dodged the attack. As then Owen yelled Carnage Orion. Carnage Orion landed on the rim of the stadium and raced to the third rim. Now Orion finish it. Orion then raced around the stadium faster. Orion raced of the rim of the stadium. Carnage Vermillion yelled Owen. Carnage Orion then glowed red and black and flew into Ragnurak causing a flash of light to cover the stadium as then Ragnurak then flew into the air. As then a light of red bursted in the air. As Ragnurak's layer fell to the ground. As then Owen saw Rashad who said battle me. First Battle ready set 3,2,1 Go Shoot Valkyrie and Orion landed in the stadium as then Valkyrie hit the wall as then Valt yelled Valkyrie hit Owen into the air. As then Owen said Carnage Orion isn't finish just yet. Valkyrie then hit into the wall. Awakening Savior Valkyrie. It's time to finish Valkyrie yelled Valt. Valkyrie then flew into the air. There It is Savior Slash yelled Valt. Owen then said Carnage Impact. Carnage Orion then slammed Savior Valkyrie out of the stadium. As then Rashad True Shot Upper yelled Rashad. Valkyrie then hit Orion up into the air pushing it more and more. As then Owen said Go Carnage Orion yelled Owen. Carnage Orion then charged up more and more energy. As then Owen said Time for Super Carnage Impact yelled Owen. Carnage Orion then slammed Valkyrie into the air and then Valkyrie pushed Orion up more and more. As then Owen said End it All Carnage Orion. Carnage Orion then tilted downwards. Finish It Off Carnage Hell yelled Owen. As then Orion slammed Valkyrie into the air. Valkyrie flew into the air. Orion hit the wall. Valkyrie bursted. As the Owen said I wonder what Valt is doing. Valt vs Aiga was happening. Valkyrie and Achilles circled around the stadium as Valkyrie hit the wall. As Valkyrie circled around faster and faster. Super Lighting Flash Shoot yelled Valt. Valkyrie raced at Achilles. Achilles then bursted. Achilles and Valkyrie circled around each other and clashed in the center of the stadium. Valt and Aiga got ready for the last battle. Valt and Aiga then backup as then got ready to launch 3,2,1 Go Shoot Valkyrie and Achilles landed in the stadium and clashed multiple times. Achilles and Valkyrie flew into the air. Achilles then changed in energy mode. Achilles then hit the wall and slammed Valkyrie into the air. Super Lighting Flash Shoot yelled Valt. Valkyrie recovered and circled around the stadium. Go Beyond Valkyrie yelled Valt. Blow It Away Achilles yelled Aiga. Achilles and Valkyrie dodged each other. As Valkyrie hit the wall. This is not about to end Super Lighting Jet Shoot yelled Valt. Valkyrie hit the wall and flew at Achilles. Blow It Away Achilles yelled Aiga. Achilles and Valkyrie then raced around the stadium. Valkyrie hit the wall and circled around the stadium. Now then Achilles use your Super Noble Sword yelled Aiga. Achilles and Valkyrie clashed in the center of the stadium. As then Achilles and Valkyrie flew from the center of the stadium. Now then let's end Achilles. Aiga hair then extended as two bangs grew from his hair. As Valt hair glowed. As then Valkyrie and Achilles circled around the stadium as Valkyrie and Achilles circled around the stadium one last day as the impact covered the stadium. Valt vs Lui. Valkyrie and Longinus landed in the stadium. Valkyrie then spun around the center a lighting speed. Super Lighting Flash Shoot yelled Valt. Longinus then picked up speed and the rails and circled around the stadium. Valkyrie then stopped and dodged the attack. As then Valkyrie and Longinus clashed in the center of the stadium. And to the Battleship Cruise. Aiga and Fubuki vs Houi Oh and Laban. First Battle ready set 3,2,1 Go Shoot Achilles and Forneus landed in the stadium as Leopard and Hercules did the stadium. Now Archer Strike. As Achilles ran threw Hercules bursting it. What. Achilles then circled around the stadium. Tear It Apart with Howling Bite yelled Laban. As Achilles was being thrown around and around. As the Forneus then hit its driver tip and clashed into Leopard. As then Forneus clashed against Achilles and Leopard. Now Then Blow It Away Achilles yelled Aiga. Achilles then glowed. As then Aiga said Super Noble Buster. Achilles then knocked away Forneus. Forneus was thrown into the air as was Leopard they both bursted. As then Aiga said We did it Fubuki. As then Fubuki was in shock that Aiga got out of his attack. Achilles took the center of the stadium. We won said Aiga. As then Aiga saw Suoh as he said Aiga i challenge you to a battle. Aiga then said Let's do it. Achilles and Salamander landed in the stadium. Take to the rails use Super Noble Slash yelled Aiga. Achilles then slammed into Salamander causing it to fly into the air. As Aiga looked at Suoh and said I wonder what you'll do next. Strike Salamander yelled Suoh. That is what i was waiting for. Achilles yelled Aiga. Achilles then took to the rails. As it picked up speed and flew into the air. Sword Rebellion Hell Slash yelled Suoh. Time For Super Noble Sword yelled Aiga. Achilles then rushed threw Salamander causing it to burst. Drum vs Arthur. First Battle ready set 3,2,1 Go Shoot Dragon and Apocalypse landed in the stadium. Go Dragon yelled Drum. Apocalypse yelled Arthur. Apocalypse and Dragon circled around the stadium. As Arthur yelled Dark Turbo. End Blaster yelled Arthur. Dragon then flew into the air. Rise Up Dragon yelled Drum. Dragon then wings glowed gold. As Rainbow appeared behind it. Now use your Beyond The Vortex is Super Vortex Break. Vortex Dragon then slammed into Apocalypse. Kitt vs Valt. Valkyrie and Air Knight are clashing in the stadium. Air Knight rode the rails. As Valkyrie rode up the rails. Super Lighting Slash. Valkyrie and Air Knight clashed as Air Knight flew into the air. As Valkyrie circled around the stadium with such speed. As Air Knight flew down. As then Air Knight fell down at Valkyrie. Now Air Knight yelled Kitt. Finish It Valkyrie yelled Valt. Give it Something to Remember Super Lighting Slash yelled Valt. Valkyrie and Air Knight clashed in the center of the stadium. Valkyrie bursted Air Knight. As the Achilles and Hades flew back. As Achilles and Hades raced to meet in the center of the stadium. Blow It Away Achilles yelled Aiga. Dead Impluse yelled Hearts. Super Noble Buster yelled Aiga. Achilles slammed into Hades causing a massive light to engulf the stadium. As the Hades bursted. Aiga then said We did next opponents. Free vs Valt. Fafnir took the center of the stadium. As the Valkyrie hit the wall and Valt yelled Super Lighting Sword yelled Valt. Fafnir took the center. Jaynold then stood at the stadium. Jaynold then said Solomus is the strongest. Jaynold then pulled out his launcher at looked at Solomus and said Solomus will never lose. Solomus then said Blood is one thing that we need. As Jaynold was scared. As then Jaynold closed his eyes and when he opened them Solomus dashed threw it's opponent. Jaynold was 13 years old. Jaynold then said I won. But it's not finished Jaynold then said and Now Solomus yelled Jaynold. Solomus then took the center of the stadium. As then Valt looked at Rashad as then he said Valt I challenge you to a battle. Valkyrie and Valkyrie landed in the stadium. Time for Savior Slash yelled Rashad. Super Lighting Sword Awake yelled Valt. Valkyrie then slammed away Savior Valkyrie causing it to fly into the air. As then Rashad yelled True Shot Upper yelled Valt. Savior Valkyrie was pushing up Lighting Valkyrie little by little as then Valt said Go Beyond Valkyrie. Valkyrie then flew out Savior Valkyrie attack's. Wait what the heck is going on said Rashad. Valkyrie hit the wall as it sped it the time it took to speed up it's awakening form. Valkyrie yelled Valt. Valkyrie flew off the wall. As Valt yelled Beyond The Lighting is Awakened Lighting Sword. Aiga was walking threw the streets of japan until Lee challenged Aiga to a battle. As then they went to a stadium were a crowd was watching them. As then Aiga changed Achilles to Balanced Sword Mode. First Battle ready set 3,2,1 Go Shoot Crescent Lion is running at high speeds towards Achilles hit it sideways. Achilles then knocked Lion out of the way. As the Lion hit the wall and landed in the stadium. Achilles then grabbed the rim of the stadium. Achilles then rode the rim of the stadium. Lion and Achilles circled around the stadium. Super Noble Slash yelled Aiga. Super Crescent Attack yelled Lee. Lion and Achilles clashed at then Achilles was thrown out of the attack. Achilles hit the wall. Aiga then said We are just getting started. Lee then said Lion is just getting started. Go Lion yelled Lee. Aiga then yelled Achilles. Achilles and Lion hit the wall and flew up the stadium. As then Aiga yelled hit from the sit. Achilles then launched Lion into the wall. Lion then hit the wall and circled around the stadium multiple times. As then Aiga said Achilles blow it Away. Achilles rode off the stadium wall as Lion rode off the rail. As Aiga yelled Super Noble Slash. Crescent Fang yelled Lee. Achilles and Lion clashed in the center of the stadium. Achilles and Lion flew out of the stadium. Achilles and Lion flew out of the stadium. Achilles then flew into the air. Achilles then flew downwards. Aiga then flew down. Aiga then said Time for Super Noble Dive. Achilles flew down on top of Lion. As Achilles launched it up into the air bursting it. Achilles then landed in the stadium. As then Achilles flew into the air. As then Aiga was training. Valt then said Aiga we are up against Sisco and Lane. Sisco and Lane vs Valt and Aiga. As then Lane said Aiga Akaba I challenge you to a battle. Valt then looked at Aiga and said I will take care of Sisco. Aiga then changed Noble Achilles to Balanced Sword Mode and attack mode. First Battle ready set 3,2,1 Go Shoot Valkyrie, Achilles, Lucifer and Satan. Achilles and Valkyrie circled around the stadium. Malice Satan took the center of the stadium. Super Rush Shoot yelled Valt. Valkyrie rushed Malice Satan. Malice Drift yelled Sisco. Malice Satan then drifted. Valkyrie hit the wall. Super Lighting Slash yelled Valt. Valkyrie hit the wall and flew out of the stadium. Valkyrie then clashed into Malice Satan. Malice Satan bursted. Valt then said Aiga you handle Lane now. Destructor Lucifer and Noble Achilles clashed in the center of the storm plate. Noble Achilles and Destructor Lucifer flew from each other as they both stayed on track. Valkyrie then circled around the center of the stadium. Super Rush Shoot yelled Valt. Valkyrie, Achilles, and Lucifer clashed in the center of the storm plate. Valkyrie, Achilles, and Lucifer were launched away from the center of the stadium. Valkyrie, Achilles, and Lucifer were launched from the center of the stadium. Lucifer yelled Lane. Lucifer circled around the storm plate. Go Valkyrie yelled Valt. Blow IT Away Achilles yelled Aiga. Super Noble Buster yelled Aiga. Super Lighting Sword yelled Valt. Super Destructor Disaster. Valkyrie, Achilles, and Lucifer were launched from the center of the stadium. Valkyrie, Achilles, and Lucifer circled around the stadium as then all three beyblades circled around the storm plate. Valkyrie, Achilles, and Lucifer moved from the center of the stadium. As then a giant explosion covered the storm plate. As then Valkyrie launched Lucifer into the air. Valkyrie then launched Achilles into the air. Blow It Away Achilles yelled Aiga. Achilles rode up the sky. As then Achilles flew through Lucifer. Lucifer bursted in the air. Valt vs Lui. Valt walked up to the stage as then Lui smiled I am going to crush you. We will see about that. First Battle ready set 3,2,1 Go Shoot Valkyrie and Longinus landed in the stadium circling around as Valkyrie and Longinus clashed in the center of the stadium. Valkyrie and Longinus were sent flying from the center of the stadium. Super Rush Shoot Go yelled Valt. Longinus rip it apart yelled Lui. Longinus and Valkyrie clashed in the center of the stadium. Valkyrie circled around the center. Go Valkyrie yelled Valt. Longinus rip it apart yelled Lui. Super Lighting Flash Shoot yelled Valt. Valkyrie then crashed into Longinus bursting it. Valkyrie and Longinus clash in the center of the stadium yet again. I am going to defeat you said Valt. Lui said I will destroy you with all my might. Valkyrie and Longinus rushed at each other causing both beyblades to move from the center. Valkyrie hit the wall and flew into the air. Longinus hit the rim of the stadium. Savage Blow. Lighting Flash. Lighting Valkyrie sped up picking up more speed. Aiga and Fubuki vs Laban and Houi Oh. First Battle ready set 3,2,1 Go Shoot Achilles, Hercules, Leopard, and Forneus. Forneus and Leopard are circling around the stadium. Hercules and Achilles moved from the center of the stadium. Super Noble Slash yelled Aiga. Archer Strike yelled Houi Oh. Hercules and Achilles clash in the center of the stadium. Achilles bursted Hercules. As then Leopard bit into Forneus. Tear Off It Flesh with Howling Bite. As then Aiga looked over to Fubuki. Achilles raced after Leopard. Give Him another Howling Bite. Blow It Away Achilles yelled Aiga. Achilles slammed into Leopard. Leopard yelled Laban. Super Noble Slash yelled Aiga. Achilles then slammed Leopard into the air, bursting it and Forneus then bursted into the air. As then Aiga smiled looking at Fubuki. Nika then said Aiga won. Aiga then said Achilles is the strongest. Drum and Sisco vs Aiga and Lane. As then Drum said Aiga I going to beat you. As then Aiga said I am going to blow you away. 

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