ベイブレードバーストエクストリーム第4章新しい力が目覚めた Part 4

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Aiga moves on to the next round. This match will be one for the history books its Aiga Akaba Vs Valt Aoi these rivals will settle who's the best in a battle of true strength. For this Battle will be using the Cyclone Rail Stadium. These rails have a boost which increases your Beyblade's speed. Valt and Aiga stared at each other ready for what's to come. The Battle between Aiga and Valt is about to begin. Valt said Aiga , I have waited a long time to take you on. Me too Aiga don't hold back Said Valt. I want let's do this. The Battle is first to 3 points wins. I'll put Achilles in  defense mode and sword mode. First Battle ready set 3,2,1 Go Shoot Valkyrie  and Achilles are circling around the center of the stadium.  Noble Achilles speeds up on the rail Lighting Valkyrie is speeding up on the rails as well. Super Noble Slash. Super Lighting Slash. Lighting Valkyrie and  Noble Achilles clash in the center of the stadium. Noble Achilles and Lighting Valkyrie fall out of the stadium at the same time. Second Battle Ready set 3,2,1 Go Shoot Noble Achilles is speeding faster than Valkyrie. Valkyrie and Achilles clash. They are pushed back. Noble Shield yelled Aiga. Noble Achilles flips to the side and jumps on the rail and speeds up the rail. Take it down Super Noble Sword Full Power. Noble Achilles slams into Lighting Valkyrie into the air. Valkyrie bursted it parts and landed in front of Valt's feet. Noble Achilles with a burst finish. Aiga Akaba will receive two points. Third Battle ready set 3,2,1 Go Shoot What the Valt launched harder than usual. Valkyrie landed on the cyclone center. Jetflash Shoot Valkyrie is spinning like crazy it jumps onto the rail. What the Aiga said. Now Valkyrie. I expect nothing less from you Valt but I am not losing  blow it Away Achilles Valkyrie and Achilles are about to clash at the edge of the arena. Now Noble Shield.  Super Valkyrie Slash. Valkyrie collides into Noble Achilles and sends it flying into the air. Noble Achilles has bursted. Lightning Valkyrie with a burst finished two points.  The fourth battle Aiga and Valt gave each other a serious look. Ready Set 3,2,1 Go ShooT!!!!!!!! They laughed harder than last time Valkyrie and Achilles collided in the center of the stadium. They hop onto the rails and are picking up massive speed. Super Rush Shoot. Super Noble Shoot. Valkyrie and Achilles are clashing Valkyrie and Achilles are pushed to sides of the stadium. Noble Achilles jumps onto the rail and picks up speed. Valkyrie is picking up speed. Now Rush it Valkyrie yelled Valt. Blow it Away Achilles yelled Aiga. Valt entered his Aura form. Aiga had also entered his Aura Form. VALT Yelled Aiga. AIGA Yelled Valt. Valkyrie and Achilles raced past each other and jumped on the rails once again. I'll end this with this one strike.  VALKYRIE Yelled Valt. ACHILLES Yelled Aiga. VALKYRIE'S SWORD YELLED Valt.  ACHILLES SWORD yelled Aiga. Noble Achilles aura and Lighting Valkyrie's Aura had covered the entire stadium. The arena was covered in a huge ball of purple energy. Inside the orb Valt and Aiga looked at each other and shook hands. Hanami said both Beyblades are still clashing in the center of the stadium. The Orb disbursed and Achilles and Valkyrie flew out of the stadium and landed next Valt's and Aiga feet . Aiga fell to the ground. Valt fell to the ground. The stadium was still intact. Looks like I will be battling again. Delta vs Blind. First Battle Ready set 3,2,1 Go Shoot Diabolos is left spin attack mode. Bamahut takes the center. Diabolos is nailing Bahamut with a barrage of attacks. Now Bahamut its hits the wall. It's Dark Turbo get ready for Dark Gyro. Bamahut is spinning like a Gyro because it's spinning like that Diabolos can't hit a specific point to burst it. Diabolos jumps onto the cyclone center  and is picking up speed now. Rise Diabolos yelled Delta . Bamahut jumps on the upper deck and is hot on the offense. Diabolos hits the wall and flies at Bahamut. Now Slam it Magma Smash. Magma Diabolos slams Dark Bahamut into the air.  Blind Devoy you came here to challenge me correct if you are as strong as you say you are then come at me. Aiga and Ranjiro vs Valt and Rantaro. First Battle ready set 3,2,1 Go shoot. Ragnurak and Ragnurak are circling around each other. Bring it on Ranjiro said Rantaro. I won't lose to you said Ranjiro. Ragnurak then pushed Ragnurak into the center of the vortex. As then Valkyrie and Achilles clashed at the edge of the stadium.Rantaro looked at Valt. Valt then said Honcho you deal with Ranjiro. I was already doing that. As then Valkyrie and Achilles moved from the center of the stadium. Super Berserk Cyclone yelled Ranjiro. As then Ragnurak threw Ragnurak into the air. As then Valt said Super Lightning Jet Shoot. Lighting Valkyrie rode the Vortex. After Achilles. As then Valkyrie knocked Ragnurak out of the way. As then Achilles hit Valkyrie as both were knock back to lower level of the stadium. As then Ragnurak rushed down the vortex. Go Ragnurak yelled Ranjiro and Rantaro.. Achilles and Valkyrie circled around the stadium. As then Ragnurak flew into Ragnurak causing both the burst. Valt then yelled challenge that Valkyrie . Blow It Away Achilles yelled Aiga. Achilles and Valkyrie circled around the stadium. Valkyrie and Achilles rushed to meet in the center of the storm plate. Super Noble Buster. Super Lighting Sword yelled Valt. Valkyrie and Achilles clashed in the center of the stadium.

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