ベイブレードバーストエクストリーム第5章新しい力が目覚めた Part 5

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First Battle Ready set 3,2,1 Go Shoot Primal Solomus is in stamina mode and is circling around the arena with lightning fast speed it rush's it Bahamut now transform Dread Circle each of Bahamut attacks are easily deflected by Solomus.  Guess it my turn  Primal Solomus give your Primal Barrage. Primal Solomus is slamming around its Bahamut with a series of heavy blows.  Now Bahamut Dread Crash Yelled Blind. Solomus dodged the attack. Solomus dodge the attacks and Bamahut flies into the air. It's not over haaaaaa!!!!!! Dark Turbo yelled Blind. Dread Bamahut is spinning on its side.  Dread Gyro hmm said Jaynold. Looks your aiming to slow down Solomus with that attack. Solomus enough playing around. Solomus hits the wall and takes to the sky now time for Attack Mode. Solomus changes mode and is hammering away at Bahamut. Looks like you still have the will to strike back. It's over now.  End him SOLOMUS Yelled Jaynold. Solomus circled around the center area and formed a cyclone. This is a Primal Cyclone. Solomus then ascended into the cyclone. Primal Orb now yelled Jaynold. Solomus was spinning in the center. Bamahut then landed in the cyclone and landed on top of Solomus. A big clash was formed where both bladers stood there ground ready to see the outcome of their immense clash. Solomus landed in the center of the  stadium and was still spinning. Bamahut had bursted its layer, rolled down from the top and the arena and stopped at the center of the stadium.  The Battleship Cruise will be hosting another tournament but this time the winner will get a chance to move on to Super Tag League. The First Battle will by Valt and Aiga vs Suoh and Xhan. For this battle will be using to storm plate stadium. First Battle ready set 3,2,1 Go Shoot Lighting Valkyrie and Noble Achilles are circling around the arena. Go wild Salamander yelled Suoh. Hell Salamander is attacking Noble Achilles. Lighting Valkyrie uses the storm plate and slams Hell Salamander is sent to upper deck and flies into the air. Salamander it's time for Sword Rebellion Hell Slash. Go Now Valkyrie. Valkyrie and Salamander clash. Aiga you ready. Yeah I was ready. Achilles rushes past Xcalibur. Valkyrie slams Salamander into the storm plate and flies into the air.  It's time for Noble Buster. Noble Achilles slams Hell Salamander out of the stadium with a burst finish. Metal Xcalibur and Lighting Valkyrie are clashing in the center of the stadium. Blow It Away Achilles yelled Aiga. The Energy from Achilles erupted. Xcalibur yelled Xhan. Xcalibur and Achilles are diving in for massive blows. Super Noble Slash yelled Aiga. Super Metal Saber yelled Xhan. Now Valkyrie yelled Valt. Valkyrie used the storm plate to gain speed. Now it's time for Super Lighting Sword, yelled Valt. Valkyrie, Achilles, and Xcalibur collide in the center of the stadium.  Metal Xcalibur parts fell to the ground. Valkyrie and Achilles were still spinning. This battle will be a battle to remember. Go Satan take it down yelled Sisco. Malice Satan rushed towards Primal Solomus. Finish it enough playing around. Solomus changed directions and slammed Malice Satan out of the arena. The layer fell to the ground. Sisco was shocked it was sent flying into a burst finish before Sisco had time to react.  Looks like you could use some work. Your taking me on next. Now why would I waste my time with trash like you.  First Battle Ready set 3,2,1 Go Shoot Primal Solomus is on the offense. Ragnorak takes the center of the stadium. Super Wind Tornado. Now Ragnarok. Solomus hits the wall and flies above the cyclone what in the. Your Ragnarok faits is in my hands. Now Primal Solomus. Use Primal Orb. Primal Solomus keeps its position in the air and is increasing its defenses. Solomus use your Primal Cyclone. Your done. Solomus was slamming Ragnarok into its shield multiple times the cyclone disbanded and Solomus landed in the stadium still ready for more. Ragnorak was still spinning but was off balance. You survive my attack most people would lose if they were hit multiple time with Primal Cyclone. It's Time to finish this. Solomus rushed a Ragnorak but then Valkyrie knocked Ragnorak out of the way of the attack. Valt and Rantaro vs Aiga and Ranjiro. First Battle ready set 3,2,1 Go Shoot Valkyrie and Achilles are clashing in the center of the stadium. Achilles hits the wall and is flying threw the air. Tear it apart and blow it away with Super Noble Slash. Noble Achilles slams into Lighting Valkyrie. Lighting Valkyrie is circling around on the storm plate. Wait what  the said Aiga. Super Rush Shoot yelled Valt. Valkyrie and Achilles clashed as both beyblades flew from the edge of the arena. Valkyrie hit the wall and recovered. Hangout tight Valkyrie. Rantaro and Ranjiro were knocked out of the arena from the force of Valkyrie and Achilles. Rush Valkyrie yelled Valt. As then Valkyrie spun around the stadium at speeds of 800 miles per hour. Fight Achilles yelled Aiga. Achilles and Valkyrie are about to clash. Super Lighting Storm yelled Valt. Super Noble Flash yelled Aiga. As then Achilles and Valkyrie clashed as then a huge light covered the stadium. As then Valt and Aiga yelled Destroy Him already. As then Valkyrie clicked and so did Achilles. As then Valkyrie and Achilles fell out of the stadium. The stadium then was destroyed. Valkyrie and Achilles hit the stadium floor. No points awarded. Arthur then said Gwyn I challenge you as then Gwyn said Your weak. As then Gwyn said Alright let's battle first battle ready set 3,2,1 Go Shoot Genesis and Apocalypse landed in the stadium. Genesis takes the center of the stadium.  As then Genesis moved from the center of the stadium. Genesis rode the rim of the stadium. Now Genesis yelled Gwyn. Genesis rode the rim of the stadium. Arthur then yelled Murder them Apocalypse yelled Arthur. Apocalypse and Genesis circled around the center of the stadium. As the Gwyn said I will end you. Super Supreme Eclipse. As the Genesis slammed into Apocalypse causing it break. As the Gwyn said hey loser get better.

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