What Kind Of Superpower Would They Have

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Jason Voorhees:

I feel like Jason would have enhanced speed. Which is the speed that is beyond humans.

Freddy Krueger:

I feel like Freddy would have replication. Which is basically cloning yourself.


I feel like Ghostface would have teleportation. Which is going from place to place without physically being there.

Michael Myers:

I feel like Michael would have invisibility. Which is to be able to be unseen by others.

Brahms Heelshire:

I feel like Brahms would have enhanced senses. Which are accurate senses.


I feel like Leatherface would have empathy. Which is the interpretation, replicate of emotion, moods, and temperament of others.

Vincent Sinclair:

I feel like Vincent would have illusion manipulation. Which is the power to create and shape illusion.

Bo Sinclair:

I feel like Bo would have mind control. Which is to control the mind of others.

Norman Bates:

I feel like Norman would have x-ray vision. Which is to see through anything.

Otis Driftwoods:

I feel like Otis would have weapon proficiency. Which is the knowledge weapons.

Carrie White:

Carrie already has a power which is telekinesis. Which is the power to move things with the mind.


Question of the day:

What powers would you want?

My answer:

I would want animal morphing and shapeshifting powers, that would be cool.

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