Battle (I)

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"Let me get this straight, Professor. You're actually giving us permission to do this?" Neville asked McGonagall while they walked out to the front of the school with a group of other people.

"That is correct, Longbottom."

"To blow it up? Boom?"


"Wicked. But how on earth are we gonna do that?"

"Why don't you confer with Mr. Finnigan? As I recall, he has a particular proclivity for pyrotechnics."

"I can bring it down." Seamus said with confidence.

"That's the spirit. Now away you go."

The two friends ran away towards the bridge of the school with Cho following them, leaving McGonagall, Mrs. Weasley, Flitwich and Slughorn at the entrance.

"You do realize we can't keep our You-Know-Who indefinitely." Flitwick stated.

"Well, that doesn't mean we can't delay him. And his name is Voldemort, Filius. You might as well use it. He's going to try to kill you either way." She turned to the school and raised her wand. "Piertotum Locomotor!"

One solider of stone fell down from one of the soldier shelves followed by two more and the rest of the soldiers who was walking out of the school.

"Hogwarts is threatened. Man the boundaries. Protect us. Do your duty to our school. I've always wanted to use that spell." She said excitedly to Molly beside her who glanced at her weirdly and then back at the soldiers.

Flitwick raised his wand towards the sky and started to chant some Incantatems. "Protego Maxima. Fianto Duri. Repello Inimicum."

Slughorn and Mrs. Weasley followed the chanting leaad to make a barrier around the school.


"Harry! Bree! Wait, I need to talk to you." Luna said following the twins upstairs.

"We're a bit preoccupied now, Luna." Harry said and continued.

"You won't find anything. You're wasting time."

Bree actually slowed down to hear about what Luna was about to say since her voice seemed urgent.

"Look, we'll talk later, okay?"


"Later. Bree." He motioned with his head to follow him.

"Harry Potter! Listen to me right now!" Luna raised her voice, shocking both of the twins and the running students around them.

"Don't you remember what Cho said about Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem? There's not a person alive who's seen it. It's obvious isn't it?"

"We have to talk to someone who's dead." Bree said realizing what Luna was trying to say.

Out of the window beside them they saw a bright blue light slowly going around the school.

"It's very impressive, isn't it?"


"If you're to find her, you'll find her down there." Luna pointed at a direction.

"Aren't you coming?"

"No. I think it's best if the three of you talk alone. She's very shy."

The two of them started to walk towards the direction that Luna pointed to walk to to find who they were searching for.

And soon enough, they found a grey looking ghost with black hair and a beautiful face who turned to them.

"You're the Grey Lady, the ghost of Ravenclaw tower."

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