Twenty: Someone Will Find The Body

Start from the beginning

Li chuckled. "A girl gave him 'her number' and he called it. The number then continued to Rick Roll him. I laughed pretty hard."

"Ha. That's great. He got what he deserved."

"That he did."

I shook my head. "It's insane, isn't it?"

Knox interjected, "The story?"

"No, the fucking guitar case. Yes, the story!" I answered, rubbing his back.

"Sorry. I wanted to clarify."

"It's fine. All I'm saying is that I can't believe the amount of guys who think they're the second coming of Jesus. Like, no, zero people want your unsolicited crusty ass dick pics, Hank."

"If that ain't true, I don't know what is," Li said.

"Wait, since when did you play the guitar?" Knox questioned.

"Who said I play guitar?" I grabbed the blanket next to me and put it over him.

"Hm. Comfy. Anyway, why do you have a guitar if you don't play it?"

"My parents gifted it to me in hopes I would learn it. I tried for a good two years, but I suck. Like, really suck. I have no musical talent whatsoever, I'm so bad at music-ing."

"That's not a word," Li answered, boredly scrolling through Reddit.

"And you think I give a damn?"

"Good point. Carry on."

I leaned over his shoulder. "Whatcha looking at?"

"The MildlyVandalised subreddit."

"I've done some mild vandalism in my time," Knox said, sitting up to face Li.

"Excuse me?" Li inquired, still paying attention to his phone.

"Let's just say that sometimes the dollar store will mysteriously run out of googly eyes."

While I laughed at the memories of me, Dev, and Knox putting googly eyes on statues and street signs around Hartford at 4:00am numerous nights, Li glanced at Knox for a few seconds and went back to reading. He clicked on one of the posts and answered, "I recall Devin telling me about that. Didn't you put eyes on one of the statues next to the another one so that it looked like the dude was looking at the other's crotch?"


"Y'all are shameless."




I woke up late at night from my phone ringing. I grumbled and answered, "Yes, Mom?"

A sniff sounded through the phone. "Your father is in the hospital. We're at Saint Francis. He got in a car crash while he was drunk. He'll live, but he's not in good shape."

I was too stunned to speak. After a few seconds I mumbled, "Okay. I'll be there soon." Mom hung up the phone (not surprisingly, we still weren't exactly on speaking terms after they outed me), and I turned to Randy and Li who both had curious faces. I looked at Li and asked, "Can you drive me somewhere?"

"Where? And why?" Li questioned, rubbing his eyes.
He probably got woken up by my phone also.

"Saint Francis Hospital. That's where my dad is right now."

Immediately, both he and Randy leaped off the bed. I followed them out to the car. I didn't realize how much I was crying until I was in the car. Why am I so upset about this if Dad treats me like shit? He's hit me multiple times, yells at me for no reason, puts an insane amount of pressure on me, and I'm a fucking disaster.

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