Chapter 8 Repo

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A storm was brewing in Washington D.C. dark clouds suffocating the night sky, lighting dancing throughout the clouds as the thunder beat, combining with the lighting making sounds.

"It's getting nasty out there.

Indeed it is; never in my life have I seen a storm like this." Responded President Heath George looking out the window of the White House from the Blue Room.

Heath stood '6"1 Caucasian male clean shave, light blue eyes, short ginger hair between late 30's early 40's walking away from the window picking up a folder off the table, "Aw, damn press conference tomorrow morning," Saying looking over his notes.

"Oh, everything is going to be alright tomorrow, Heath, you the man!" Reply Vice President Nathan Armstrong was an African American male standing '6"2 dark brown eyes, low cut hair, and well groom trim goatee.

"Hmm, I guess your right, Nat.

Guess, Bro Heath, I know I'm right!

You and the wife heading out tonight, huh?" Heath asked, placing the folder back on the table.

"Yeah, me & Tiff heading to Jersey visiting her family.

That's good bro, tell Tiff I said WHAT'S UP!

Oh yeah, bro, I will; she always asking about you anyway." Nat reply.

"Mr. President!" The head of security opening the doors.


Sir, phone for you.

At this time of the night, who is it?

It's your Doctor.

My Doctor.....okay, Nat, you & Tiff be safe on the trip, bro.

Thanks, we will." Nat reply leaving out, while the head of security hands over the phone, "Hello?

Heath, old friend, how's it going?

It's good Doc, how are you?

Splendid, is there lighting outside?


What color lighting?

Wait, what, Doc?

What color is the lighting outside?

I didn't know lighting had different colors.

Yes, look outside your lovely window again and tell me what do you see?" Dr. Midnight asked as Heath returned to the window, looking out towards the sky watching the clouds. He stood there for several minutes, then something caught his eyes; he looked that way, "What the hell?" Clueless about what he's seeing.

"Heath, what color?

.....Red, the lighting is red.

....See you soon." Midnight hung up the phone as Heath walked out of the Blue Room, "Where're my children?" He asked the head of security.

"Call them for me.

Yes, sir." He responded, reaching towards his earpiece while Heath was standing in the Cross Hall waiting on his children to arrive. His 1st born arrive coming from the East Room "Madison.

"Hey, dad." She responded.

Madison's eyes were blue as the summer sky, her hair long and shinny sandy color, she was full of life and slim build, "What's going on, dad?" She asked, concerned.

"Let's wait for your brothers.

Yes, sir." she replied; a few minutes later, Heath's sons finally arrived, "TJ, Jensen.

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